Darks and Lights 44 (SsS1)

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Shuhua's pov

Im now driving towards the school right now to pick up Susan. Susan is our daughter she's 5 yrs old just the same as Mia except for Yeri who is 9 yrs old. We decided to put them on the same school for them to have each others back while were not around.

--At school--

I look around and saw Mia and Yeri with Susan. I approached them.

"Susan!" I shouted to get her attention

"Mommy!" Susan shouted then run towards me and hugged me

"I miss you mommy" Susan said while pouting. I shooked my head.

"But we see each other everyday" I said confused on why she miss me

"Just cause hehe" Susan said while giggling

"Hi Mia and Yeri!" I said

"Hi aunt Shuhua!" They said

"Oh! Mommy Yuqi is here!" Yeri said happily

"Hi baby! Oh Shuhua your here. How have you and Soojin been?" Yuqi asked

"Were okay. Me and Soojin are not that busy with our works so we spend time with Susan many times" I said while smiling

"Thats great" Yuqi said and smiled back

"How about you Mia? Is Aunt Miyeon still not coming?" Susan asked

"She's gonna come later and mom promised us that she will bring us to the amusement park" Mia said excitedly

"Minnie told that to you?" I asked

"Yes she did" Mia said while smiling

I look back at Yuqi and saw that she's worried as i am. We knew that Minnie doesn't have that much time for them and Miyoen would come to us crying on what to say to Mia when she ask "Mommy! Where's mom at? Why is she always not here at home? Does she not love me?" She couldn't think of an excuse to her daughter. I just hope Minnie wont mess this up...

"Thats great Mia" I said while smiling at her then we saw a car in front of us sliding the window down to reveal Miyeon's face waiting for Mia to go in

"I'll go now bye aunt Shuhua and aunt Yuqi! Bye Yeri and Susan! See you tomorrow!" Mia said and got in the car and they left

"Susan lets go?" I said and she nodded

--At home--

"Susan go upstairs and change your clothes. I'll just go to the kitchen and cook some food" I told her then she went upstairs. I walked in the kitchen.

Susan's pov

I got upstairs and got in my room to change my clothes.

When i finish changing my clothes i looked inside my parents room to see Mommy Soojin sleeping. I was about to approach her when i heard a glass shattered downstairs! Mom! I hurriedly got downstairs to see her on the floor crying?? I approached her.

"Mom what happened??" I asked panicking because i dont what to do

"Im sorry baby! I killed him!" Shuhua said while crying and panicking on what she just did

"Oh my god! Mom its okay...he was a good person he did his best to survive..." I said sadly

"Im sorry..."

Soojin's pov

I was deep on my sleep when all of a sudden i heard a glass shattered downstairs. Wait! They're not here! Why would there be a glass shattering by itself?? This only means one thing...there's a fucking thief in my house! I quickly took the bat inside my closet and got downstairs slowly. Dont judge me why i keep a bat inside of my closet okay?!

I walked downstairs and heard a sound inside the kitchen it sounded as if someone was crying?? Thats weird... I held my bat up and slowly got inside and was about to swing it!...and stopped! When i saw Shuhua crying?! I dropped my bat and crouch down in front of them.

"What happened babe? Why are you crying??" I asked

"Im sorry babe! I killed him!" Shuhua said while crying

"You killed someone?!" I shouted in shock

"I know im sorry i was too careless" Shuhua said

"Mom its not your fault! Its okay...rest in peace little guy..." Susan said and cried

I am so motherfucking confused right now wtf is happening?!

"Who did you even kill?!" I asked so frustrated because i am confused as fuck!

"I-i killed the fly on accident! I was just chopping down some vegetables when the fly landed on it! Causing for me to hit the fly with the knife! I am so sorry!" Shuhua said while crying

"Its okay mom...rest in peace on that fly he did so much good things!" Susan said and hugged her mom then they cried together meanwhile Soojin is thinking her life decision

Was it the right thing that i married Shuhua?? And did i just hear it right?? A fly? A fucking fly?! What the?! Really tho?! Really?! God! Why did my daughter have to get my wife's craziness?! She even got her english name?! Like wtf?!


Well that just happened

--821 words--

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