Darks and Lights 15

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Yuqi's pov

Soyeon unnie...why are you so good at everything? Singing,Dancing,Rapping even stealing my heart... Here i was admiring her so much that i didnt notice that they were done already.

"Yuqi! Miyeon! Minnie!" Soyeon shouted and approached us

"How was our performance?" Soyeon asked smiling

"It was really good i forgot that i was straight for a second...oh right i was never straight" Miyeon said giggling

"How about my performance??" Minnie asked while pouting

"Of course yours was better" Miyeon said then pecked her lips

Minnie unnie is blushing like a tomato right now. They make me feel so single...

"Get a room you two!" Me and Soyeon yelled

The students looked at us.We looked at each other and started blushing because of embarrassment. I looked at Minnie unnie and Miyeon unnie they are laughing quietly and i glared at them.

Shuhua's pov

"Hi guys" I said and waved at them

"Hi Shuhua!" Yuqi said then waved back

"Whose that with you?" Minnie asked

"Oh this is Tzuyu my bestfriend" I said smiling

"What?! I thought me and Miyeon unnie were your bestfriends" Yuqi said then hold her chest pretending she was hurt

"You all are" I said then giggled

I then noticed that Soojin unnie is not here. Where is she?

"Where is Soojin unnie?" I asked

"Idk. Why are you asking?" Yuqi said then smirked

This son of a bitch why does Yuqi unnie tease me so much. Wait for my revenge unnie muwahahahaha. (That was an evil laugh btw😈)

"Your not even the one im asking. Im looking at Minnie unnie duh!" I said then rolled my eyes

"Oohhhh!!!" Miyeon said then giggled

"Shut up no one's asking for your opinion" Yuqi said then rolled her eyes clearly annoyed

We just laughed at her

"Shut up guys stop laughing at me. We should be focusing at Tzuyu!" Yuqi said annoyed

"Haha okay we will stop" I said and we stopped laughing

"So Tzuyu where are you from?" Soyeon asked

"Im from Taiwan. Me and my parents just arrived yesterday and im going to transfer here" Tzuyu said

"Oh so which class are you?" Minnie asked

"Class A" Tzuyu said

"So were going to be classmates then" Miyeon said smiling

"How old are you?" Soyeon asked

"I just turned 19 yesterday" Tzuyu said

"Do you have a gf/bf?" Minnie asked

"Actually I have a gf and she's going to transfer here next month" Tzuyu said smiling

"Thats good to hear" Minnie said smiling

They just keep on asking things about her like what is this?! Is Tzuyu applying on a job that she keeps getting interviewed?!

Soyeon's pov

My phone rang and looked at the caller to see who it was. Its Dawn oppa?! Why is he calling me??

"Hi oppa why did you call?" I asked

"Hi Soyeon. Im calling you right now to get Soojin she's so drunk here" Dawn said

"Okay which bar is it?" I asked

"Its in ***" Dawn said

"Okay look after her for a bit im going there" I said

"Who was that Soyeon?" Shuhua asked

"It was a friend of mine. He said that Soojin's drunk and im going to get her" I said

"Im coming with you" Shuhua said and I nodded

"Were coming with you too" Yuqi said

"No its fine. Besides were going there to get Soojin unnie not going there to hang out" I said

"Fine" Yuqi said while pouting

'Cute' I whispered

"I have to go guys my mom just texted me bye!" Tzuyu said then left

"Bye!" We said

"Lets go?" I said and Shuhua nodded


I dont really know what to say so...im just going to ask hehehe. What is your favourite ship in Gidle?

--611 words--

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