Darks and Lights 38

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Exy's pov

Its time to meet my blind date. Im not that much excited about it because i have my eye on someone else. I hope i can meet her again and get to know her more.

--At the restaurant--

Where is the person that Miyeon wanted me to meet? I dont even know her face! Wait! What is she doing here? I approached her.

"Hi do you remember me? Im the one who you bump into at school" I said

"Oh yes i remember you" She said

"What are you doing here??" I asked

"Im here because my friend set me up on a blind date. How about you?" She said

"My friend set me up on a blind date too" I said

"Really? This is such a coincidence" She said

"I know! Who is your friend anyway?" I asked

"My friend is Miyeon. How about you?" She asked

Her friend is Miyeon?! Shit!!! Thank you Miyeon! I love you!!!

"M-my friend is Miyeon too" I said while smiling widely

Control your excitement gurl!

"Really? Its us then! Who will have a date?" She asked

"Yeah i guess" I said shyly

"Then thats great! Lets get to know each other then" She said

"Sure! My name is Exy. What about yours?" I asked

Finally! I will know her name!

"My name is Eunseo its nice meeting you" Eunseo said while smiling

"Its nice meeting you too. You have a beautiful name btw." I said while smiling

Okay maybe that was a bit cheesy...?

"Thank you. Yours is too" Eunseo said while blushing

"How old are you btw?" I asked

"Im 19 yrs old. How about you?" Eunseo asked

"Im 20" I said and smiled at her

"Lets order?" Eunseo said and i nodded

--A few minutes later--

"That was great i really had so much fun with you" Eunseo said

"I did too" I said while blushing

"Can we exchange numbers? So that we can call or text each other" Eunseo said and i nodded

"Done!" I said

"Again it was nice meeting you Exy. Ill go now bye!" Exy said while waving at me

"Bye!" I said while waving back at her then she got in her car and left

"I really had a great time with you" I said while smiling then got in my car and left

--A few minutes later--

I got home and change my clothes. I layed on my bed and looked at my phone. Should i call her? Imma do it!

*Phone ringing*

Come on answer it pls...

"Hello?" Eunseo answered

"Hi Eunseo!" I said happily

"Oh hi Exy! Miss me already??" Eunseo asked while chuckling

"Yes i do" I said while pouting

"Wow. I wasnt expecting you to say yes" Eunseo said while chuckling

"Hehe" I giggled

"Btw which class are you?" Eunseo asked

"Im in class A. How about you?" I asked

"Really? Then thats great! Im in class B were just close by" Eunseo said

She's in class B? How come i dont see her that much?

"What are you doing right now?" Eunseo asked

"Just laying on my bed. You?" I asked

"Doing the same" Eunseo said

--An hours later--

"Its already 2:00AM dont you think we should sleep" Eunseo said while giggling

"Yeah your right. I didnt even notice that" I said and giggled

"Well it was nice talking with you Exy" Eunseo said and i blushed

"Why dont you eat with us tomorrow at the cafeteria??" I asked

"Sure!" Eunseo said happily

"Thats great! See you tomorrow!" I said and hang up

I didnt expect that i would fall for a girl especially because i prefer dating guys than girls but i guess it changed...

--Time skipped--


Time to get ready! I cant wait to meet Eunseo!

--Time skipped--

--At school--

I arrived at school and i was about to go to my class when i saw class B on the side. Should i take a look if she's there? I looked inside and she's not here. Where is she?

"Uhm are you looking for someone?" A girl asked me

"Uh yes! Can i ask where Eunseo is?" I asked

"Oh she's not here yet but she will come later" She said

"Oh..." I said sadly

"Why are you looking for her?" She asked

"Uhh... there's just something that i wanna tell her but shes not here so ill go now" I said nervously and left

Someone's pov

Why is she finding Eunseo? Oh shes going inside class A. Our age gap must be not that big. She could become Eunseo's gf. What is this bitch up to?


Since you guys want me to continue this so i decided...to continue it anyway hahah. And the one who was asking for some 18+ ill try to do it soon😉

--781 words--

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