Darks and Lights 17

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Shuhua's pov

"Thank you Soojin unnie" I said smiling

"Its nothing" Soojin said

For you its nothing but for me its something.

"Shuhua, Soojin should get in your car. Im not letting her drive her car because she's drunk" Soyeon said

"Yah! Im not drunk" Soojin said

"I know you can control yourself but i know you feel dizzy so no you aren't driving" Soyeon said scolding Soojin

"Fine" Soojin said and rolled her eyes

She got in the front seat and i was about to go in when Soyeon stopped me

"Shuhua wait" Soyeon said

"Yes unnie" I said

"Can Soojin stay in your house because if she gets home drunk her mom is going to get angry and if she stays in our house her mom is going to find out because shes friends with my mom" Soyeon said

"O-okay unnie" I said blushing a bit

"Thanks Shuhua i gotta go now my mom is waiting for me bye!" Soyeon said and left

I sighed. What have i gotten myself into?? I got in the driver's seat and saw Soojin unnie sleeping. She look so cute i want to pinch her cheeks.

(Pinch? Or kiss with a bite? Shuhua😏)

Ofc pinch author why would i kiss and bite it?😒 Dont mind the author guys. Anyway we arrived at my house. Im the only one who lived here because my parents is in Taiwan and i left to go study here in korea. I gave Soojin unnie a piggyback to my room and lay her down. I was about to leave when Soojin unnie got up and closed the door.

"Uhm Soojin unnie your awake?! I was just about to leave to drink some water" I said nervously

Soojin pinned me on the wall and roughly kissed me on the lips. Idk why but i didnt even pushed her i just stand still and let her kiss me. Why do i feel horny? Fuck!

Soojin's pov

I stopped kissing her

"Im sorry Shuhua i shouldn't have done that. I just have this habit when im drunk" I explained

"You started it and your going to finish it" Shuhua said then kissed me roughly and i kissed her back

While i was kissing her i unbuttoned her shirt and unclasped her bra. I massaged her breast

"Ugh that feel so good~" Shuhua said moaning in between our kisses

I got turned on and started sucking her neck leaving hickeys all over it.

"Ugh make me feel satisfied baby" Shuhua said and moaned

I nodded and started sucking her breast while my hands is going down to her pants holding her clit. She moaned.

"Let me help you with that" Shuhua said and took of her pants and sat on the bed

"Why dont you help me take off my underwear" Shuhua said seductively and biting her lips

I approached her an kneeled down to take off her underwear. I touched her clit.

"Ugh~ your hands are cold it makes me feel so horny" Shuhua said and moaned softly

I pushed her to lay down on the bed and get on top of her. I placed my index finger in her clit while pushing and pulling it slower.

"Ugh baby it hurts make it fast!" Shuhua said

I push and pull fast

"Ughh Ughh Add another finger baby and make it faster" Shuhua said while moaning loudly

I add another finger and started pushing and pulling it faster.

"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Im cumming baby!!!" Shuhua said moaning louder

Her moans is turning me on. I did it even faster.

"Ughh!!" She yelled and i covered her mouth

She cummed and i licked her juices on her clit.

"Ughhh" Shuhua moaned softly

I layed down beside her.

"I love you Shuhua" I said while smiling

"I love you too" Shuhua said and smiled back

Shuhua fell asleep i looked at her and smile.

"Goodnight my love" I said and fell asleep

Someone's pov

I smiled and laughed

"Hm i bet their having a great time tonight. I cant believe Shuhua believed my lies hahaha. They are not even home right now because they are out of the country to travel. And i know that when Soojin is drunk she gets horny and cant control herself hehe"


Hi readers that was my first ever smut and i dont even know wtf i just wrote but whatever i hope you liked it. I published two parts for you guys. And who is this 'someone'?

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