Darks and Lights 11

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--School bell rings--

Soyeon's pov

Finally time to eat! You dont know how much i suffered listening to the teacher. I didnt even understand any word she said.

"Guys! Lets go to the cafeteria im so hungry" I shouted at them and ran to the cafeteria

Soojin's pov

I laughed seeing Soyeon run like her life depends on it. We got to the cafeteria and saw Soyeon unnie already eating?!?!

"Soyeon unnie! How could you not wait for us?!" Yuqi said while pouting

"I-its not like that..." Soyeon said while lowering her head

Hmm... Soyeon looks nervous. I bet she likes Yuqi. She doesnt act like that when we scold her because she doesn't wait for us. Then why does she act all sorry when Yuqi scold her... Im going to tease her later hehehe.

"You better order our food!" Yuqi said still pouting

"F-fine i will" Soyeon said and left

Damn shes wipped and she better be prepared because im going to tease her so hard hahaha.

Soyeon's pov

Damn it Yuqi! Why do you have this effect on me. I got back and saw soojin smirking at me. I already know im gonna get teased. Damn you Soojin unnie!

"Now that Soyeon is here i got something to tell you all" Miyeon said and hold Minnie's hand

"Me and Minnie are dating" Miyeon said

We were all shock except for Shuhua. I cant believe it their dating!

"Bitch! Im so proud of you. Finally your not single anymore" Yuqi said while wiping her fake tears

"Its not like you were taken anyway" Miyeon said

"Burn!!" Shuhua said teasing Yuqi

"Whatever" Yuqi said and rolled her eyes

We just laughed at them.

"Im glad that you finally found someone you like Minnie unnie im proud of you" I said then smiled

"Im proud of you too" Soyeon said smiling

"Thanks Soojin and Soyeon" Minnie said smiling

--Bell rings--

"Oh come on! I dont want to hear another lecture" Soyeon said sadly

"Well that's sad but you have to because this subject involves our project so come on!" I said and pull Soyeon to the classroom

Shuhua's pov

I felt jealous when Soojin unnie hold Soyeon unnie's hand. I know that there just friends but i just cant help but feel jealous. We got to our class and the teacher arrived.

--Time skipped--

I cant help but look at Soyeon unnie and Soojin unnie. There sitting together because their discussing their project. I dont even know why they were given a project but we dont.

--Bell rings--

"Finally time to go home!" Soyeon said excitedly

"Before you get excited we still have a project you know" Soojin said

"Oh right! Darn it!" Soyeon said sadly

"Its okay we can still play games at your house" Soojin said and hold Soyeon's shoulder while smiling

"I guess your right" Soyeon said and smiled back

Why do they look so sweet?!?! Its not that kind of sweet that i like...

"Bye guys were going now" Soyeon said and left with Soojin

I cant stop thinking what kind of things that they're going to do together.

"Im going to go now" I said coldly and left

Yuqi's pov

"Whats wrong with her?" I asked

"Shes just jealous" Miyeon said while giggling

"Does she like...Soyeon unnie??" Yuqi asked

"Of course not. She likes Soojin" Miyeon said

"Oh...thats a relief" Yuqi mumbled

"Did you say something?" Miyeon asked

"Nothing! Lets go now" Yuqi said

We left and got to our houses.


Thanks for reading guys! I appreciate your support.

--590 words--

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