Darks and Lights 24

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--At the restaurant--

Miyeon's pov

I am here in the restaurant with Minnie and its already 10AM. They are still not here!

"Arghh we have been waiting here for so long where are they?!" I said

"Calm down honey its still 10AM. Maybe there just a few minutes late" Minnie said

"Hi gaysss!" Shuhua said walking towards us with Soojin

"Finally! Your both here" I said

"Yes so stop whining like a little kid unnie" Soojin said

"Yeah lets just wait for yuyeon to come"  Shuhua said

--A few minutes later--

"Hey guys!" Yuqi said and waved at them

"Yuqi! Your here! Where is Soyeon?" I asked

"I dont know sis. Do you expect me and Soyeon unnie are going together??" Yuqi asked

"Yes" I said

"Why? We aint a couple or anything" Yuqi said

"I mean you are friends or...you want to be more than friends" Miyeon said while smirking

"N-no" Yuqi said while blushing

"Soyeon's here!" Minnie said

Yuqi's pov

I looked back and saw Soyeon unnie. Wow she look so beautiful and cool walking towards us. The way she's wearing her jacket is so hot. Why does it feel so hot all of the sudden?

"Hi guys!" Soyeon said and waved at them

"Hi Yuqi" Soyeon said while smiling

Argh dont give me that smile Soyeon its killing me!

"H-hi" I said while blushing so hard

"Okay lets go inside before someone turns into a real life tomato" Minnie said

"Lets go gayss!" Miyeon said and ran inside

"Hey wait for me!" Minnie said and followed Miyeon

"Shuhua you forgive me right??" Soyeon said nervously and hold Shuhua's hands

"Of course i do" Shuhua said

"Really??" Soyeon said while smiling

"Yes but im still gonna kill you tho" Shuhua said while smirking

"Wait--What?!" Soyeon said shocked and Shuhua walked inside

"Shuhua wait!" Soyeon said and followed Shuhua

Arghh! Did they really have to hold hands in front of me?!?! Like litterally IN FRONT OF ME

"Jealous?" Soojin asked while smirking

"Of course not!" I shouted

"Bitch calm down why are you so defensive?? Hmm maybe its true" Soojin said then smirked

"How about you aren't you jealous too?" I asked

"So you are jealous hahaha. But im not really jealous of a small thing" Soojin said

"Wait are you trying to say that Soyeon unnie is small?" I asked

"Probably hehehe" Soojin said and walked inside

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