Darks and Lights 25

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Soyeon's pov



"What are you doing here?!" Yuqi asked

"I just passed by and saw you. How have you been?" He asked

"Im doing fine" Yuqi said

"Thats good" He said while smiling

What the heck is happening and who is this guy??

"Who is he Yuqi?" I asked

"He's Lucas and he is my uhh..." Yuqi said hesitating

"Im his boyfriend" Lucas said proudly

Bitchhh what?!?!

"What no! He's my EX boyfriend" Yuqi said

"Called it!" Minnie yelled

"Honey not now" Miyeon said

"Yes ex but i want to be your boyfriend again Yuqi! I really regret what i did. Pls comeback to me" Lucas said while holding Yuqi's hand

Boy you better get off that dirty hands of yours or im going to cut your hands!

Yuqi's pov

Soyeon looks like she's going to kill Lucas right now. Idk why but why do i feel excited. She looks like she's jealous and im loving it!

"Yuqi pls" Lucas said pleadingly

I cant believe this guy he cheated on me and now he wants me back! How can he have the courage to face me like nothing happened!


Im so excited to arrive home and spend time with him! I didnt get to spend time with him that much because of my part time job and school. But now its sunday and i dont have any part time job! I opened the door and he's not on the living room.

"Lucas. Are you home?" I said

I looked at the kitchen but he's not there.

"Where could he be?" I said

I got upstairs and opened the bedroom door and saw Lucas and Exy making out!!!

"Yuqi!" Lucas said with wide eyes

"How could you?!?!" I shouted while crying

"Its not what it looks like!" Lucas said panicking

"Im not blind Lucas! And you Exy how could you! I thought we were friends!" I shouted

"He loves me more Yuqi. Just accept it!" Exy said

"What? What is she saying Lucas?!" I asked

"No! I love you more Yuqi! I-i was just seduced i didnt do anything wrong." Lucas said panicking

"Lucas stop lying! We have been together when she started to have a part time job" Exy said

"I-i cant believe this. So you have been cheating on me this whole time?!" I shouted

"N-no! S-she's lying Yuqi pls believe me!"  Lucas said

"I didnt even touch nor talk to a guy that i didnt know because i know you will be jealous. But here you are making out with someone?? That is my fucking bestfriend?!" I shouted then left the room

--Flashback ends--

"I cant believe this. You cheated on me and now you want me back?!" I said

"Yuqi i know and im sorry. I regretted what i did and i broke up with her" Lucas said

"Im sorry Lucas but i dont have feelings for you anymore. Guys lets go i dont want to stay here anymore" I said then left and they followed me


Well guys good news i updated!  Gay-DLE i hope you didnt cry😁. Yes guys its Lucas im pretty sure you all knew that already😂


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--506 words--

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