Darks and Lights 30

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Soyeon's pov

"D-do you want to go on a date with me?"

If only i had the courage to say that...

"What is it?" Yuqi asked

"U-uhm h-how have you been doing?" I asked while smiling nervously

"Im doing fine" Yuqi said

"Oh" I said

The whole ride was filled with silence. Argh why cant i tell her?! Why cant i just say "Yuqi do you want to go on a date?". Im such a coward...

--At Yuqi's house--

"Were here" I said and no one answered

"Yuqi?" I said then look at her

She's sleeping?? She look so cute while sleeping! I looked at her lips. Her lips look so soft... Little did i know my face was so close to Yuqi's face. My lips and Yuqi's lips were few inches away. We almost kissed when she suddenly woke up!

"What are you doing?!" Yuqi said while her eyes widened

I quickly move my face and look away blushing.

"W-were here" I said still looking away

"O-okay thanks for the ride Soyeon" Yuqi said awkwardly

"Y-your welcome" I said still blushing

"Bye!" Yuqi shouted and quickly got out of the car running inside her house

"She's so cute" I whispered then left

Yuqi's pov

"Wtf was that?!?!" I shouted while smiling

"We were about to kiss! Shit!!!" I shouted happily while stomping my feet

"Bitch! Did you forget that your not alone in this house?!" Someone shouted

Oh shit i forgot my sister's here with me! Oh no! Did she hear what i said?

"Yes I heard what you said sis! What did your gay ass do again?!" Yiren asked

What the?! How did she know??

"I just know so just answer me!" Yiren said

Wha-- nevermind

"Its nothing" I said

"Hell yes there's something! Who were you about to kiss?!" Yiren asked

"I didnt say anything. What are you talking about?" I said pretending i didnt know

"I know there's something and if you dont tell me what it is! Im going to tell mom that you kissed someone" Yiren said while smirking

"Yeah tell mom then im going to tell her that your dating Aisha" I said while smirking

"Shit! Ok fine if you dont want to tell me then dont. Just dont tell mom okayyy my favourite sisterrr" Yiren said while patting my head

"Im your only sister you know" I said

"Just dont tell mom" Yiren said then left

I giggled. Im sorry sis but mom already know and were going to tease you when Aisha arrive here in korea hehehe. I got inside my room. Someone is texting me?


Hi Yuqi! Did you arrive
safely at your house?


Yes im at home now


Thats good. Have you
decided on the date?

Should i agree? He's pretty nice to me. Maybe Tzuyu's right. I think i should give him a chance.


Yes i have decided.


Really? Do you want
to go on a date with


What do you think Yuqi will say? Will Yuqi say Yes or No?

--505 words--

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