Darks and Lights 26

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--At Yuqi's house--

Soyeon's pov

Ok. First of all i hate that guy. Second he better leave her alone because clearly she doesn't like him! Third Yuqi better explain who the fuck he is!

"Who is he?! Why did he say he's your bf but you said ex?! What do you mean by he cheated on you?!" I asked

"Geez Soyeon you need to calm the fuck down" Miyeon said

"Yeah we know your jealous and all but dont make it so obvious" Soojin said

"Im not jealous! Im just asking her because we dont know the guy" I said

"Can you guys shut up and let Yuqi talk" Minnie said then everyone stop talking

"He is Lucas and he is my EX boyfriend. We broke up because he cheated on me with my EX bestfriend" Yuqi said

"Why is that name so familiar?" Shuhua said confused

"What do you mean?" Soojin asked

"Hhmmm. Nahh its probably no one" Shuhua said

"Im not gonna lie tho but Lucas looks kinda cute" Miyeon said

"Cute but a cheater!!!" Minnie said

"I dont like that guy. He looks like a playboy" Soyeon said

"But how about you guys? Your playgirls too you know" Miyeon said

"That was before but we aren't now" Minnie said while smiling

"Sure. You better not cheat on me! I swear your going to regret it" Miyeon said with an angry tone

"Y-yes maam!" Minnie said

"Guys its almost night time. Lets go home now" Soojin said

"Yeah your right" Soyeon said

"Were going home now Yuqi see you tomorrow at school bye!" Shuhua said and they left

Yuqi's pov

Why did he comeback?! I hate him so much for what he did! I wonder where Exy is now...


Argh time to go to school. Im tired as hell right now. But i cant stop thinking about Soyeon being jealous! Yiieee i love it!!! Oh shit! Time to get ready.

--At school--

Soojin's pov

Im at the cafeteria right now with Soyeon and Minnie unnie. Because Minnie unnie is hungry

"Minnie unnie your hungry already?" I asked

"The class didnt even start yet. Did you not eat at home?" Soyeon asked

"I did but im hungry again" Minnie said while pouting then I sighed

--Time skipped--

"Finally your done! Lets go?" I asked and she nodded

Miyeon's pov

"Where the hell is Yuqi im tired of waiting?!" I said

"Stop being so impatient unnie. Lets just wait for her" Shuhua said

--Few minutes later--

"Finally your here!" I said

"Yeah im here. Lets go if you dont want to be late" Yuqi said and they go inside

Soyeon's pov

Oh its Yuqi!!!! Shit she's coming act normal bitch!

"Hi Yuqi!" I said while smiling widely

"Hi Soyeon!" Yuqi said and smiled back

Shitt!!! I can die peacefully now...

"Hey Tzuyu!" Shuhua said and hugged her

"Hi bae!" Tzuyu said then hugged her back

"Hi im Soojin and you are?" Soojin said while pulling Shuhua out of the hug

"She's Tzuyu my childhood friend!" Shuhua said while smiling

"Ok yeah sure" Soojin said then sat on her chair while Shuhua was talking with Tzuyu

Its clear that she's jealous! Hehe teasing time! I look back because she's behind me.

"Jealous?" I whispered to her

"Yes i am jealous and i know you were jealous to Lucas too yesterday" Soojin whispered back and smirked

Argh i hate hearing that guys name. Im supposed to be the one teasing why am i getting teased! I rolled my eyes and draw my attention to the teacher who just came.

"Students can i have your attention pls" The teacher said and everyone stopped talking

"We have two students who tranfered here. You can come in" The teacher said and a student walked in...

What the hell?!?!


Who do you think the two students are?

--638 words--

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