Darks and Lights 54

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Shuhua's pov

Im sitting on the couch right now ready to be scolded. Miyeon is standing right infront of me and the kids are inside Yeri's room while these girls on the side is trying to hide their laughter. How i want to throw this pillow on their faces. My thoughts were interrupted when Miyeon suddenly spoke.

"I can't believe you and Minnie said some inappropriate things to her when she's still a kid. Im getting traumatized by this" Miyeon said while shaking her head in disbelief

"Im sorry but the word honeymoon is not inappropriate right?" I said trying to convince her then i saw her think for a while

Yesss she's thinking! I have a chance! I was biting my inner cheeks trying to stop myself from smiling. But then...

"Its still inappropriate! Like what do you do when your on a honeymoon?" Soyeon asked i was about to answer when she cut me off

"Of course your going to fuck each other" Soyeon said that made our eyes widened when someone suddenly ask...

"Fuck each other?" Yeri asked

Our eyes widened in surprise but i turned it into a smirk when i saw Soyeon gulped

"Mom told me that fuck means play. So does that mean play each other?" Mia said and Minnie gulped

"Weird is that a new game?" Susan asked

Were just looking at them nervously

"Maybe we play with each other?" Mia asked

"What do we even play?" Susan asked

"Maybe it means we play with each other's body since it calls play each other" Yeri said

Our eyes widened they look so innocent saying those things but we all know that it sounds dirty as hell!

"I guess your right. We should totally play that game!" Susan said and our widened in shock causing us to shout...

"NO!!!" We all shouted at the same time causing the three of them to jump in shock

"Goodness why are you guys shouting" Yeri said while putting her hand on her chest

"We mean no there's no kind of games like that no one even know that kind of game" I said feeling nervous

"Really? We should totally play that and it can be a game were the ones who made" Mia said excitedly

"I think its not a good idea baby" Miyeon said

"Why?" Mia asked

"Because..." Miyeon paused looking at us looking for help

"Because if you do that the malls are going to close and you'll never get some toys ever again!" Minnie said

Ok that is such an idiotic-- . My thoughts were interrupted when Mia suddenly gasped

"Oh no!" Mia gasped

"I guess we shouldn't play it. I love toys so much and i still want to get some new toys!" Susan said then Mia and Yeri were nodding there head

I guess it was a good lie after all.

--Time skipped--

Yuqi's pov

"Bye guys were going home we should totally go to the beach sometimes i know a place!"  Shuhua said and we nodded in agreement

"Bye Yeri" Susan said and wave her hand same as Mia

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