Darks and Lights 35

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--At Yuqi's house--

Soyeon's pov

Yuqi is sleeping right now. She must be so tired right now. I really feel bad for her. I feel like its my fault because Lucas got away...

"Soyeon are you okay?" Exy asked

"Yeah im okay" I said while smiling

"You dont look okay tho" Exy said and i looked down

She's right im not okay. Why am i lying to myself?

"Dont worry Soyeon they will catch Lucas im sure of it" Exy said and i nodded

I hope so...

Yuqi's pov

"Lucas? What are you doing?" I said nervously

"Dont worry you will enjoy it i promise" Lucas said then held my arms tightly while kissing my neck

"Get off of me! Lucas!!!" I shouted while trying to get off

"Lucas!!! No!!!" I shouted then Lucas slapped me and i fell on the floor while crying

"Shut up! or im going to hurt you even more!" Lucas shouted then got on top of me and kissed my neck

"Lucas... please... stop..." I said weakly



I woke up and started crying. I hugged my knees while my tears are falling down my cheeks.

"Yuqi! Are you okay?!" Soyeon shouted and barged in the door then approached me

I hugged her while crying so hard causing her shirt to get wet.

"Its okay Yuqi. Im here now. Just let it out" Soyeon said and hugged me back

Soyeon's pov

Im guessing she had a nightmare. Im so sorry Yuqi. I was late. If i knew it sooner you wouldn't be suffering like this...

--A few minutes later--

Yuqi stopped crying and looked at me with sad eyes that i hate to see!

"Are you okay now?" I said sadly

"Yes. Thank you for not leaving me Soyeon" Yuqi said and smiled a bit

Im happy to see her smile even just a bit

"Your welcome Yuqi. I will always be here by your side" I said while smiling

"Uhm... c-can i ask you something?" Yuqi asked nervously

Why does she sound so nervous??

"Uh sure what is it?" I asked worriedly

"D-did you c-catch him?" Yuqi asked nervously

"Sadly he got away but the police are finding him now" I said and she got scared

"But dont worry they will catch him. Im sure of it" I said reassuring her while holding her hands and she smiled a bit

Her hands feel so soft that i cant stop holding it! I looked at her and saw that she looked embarrassed so i moved my hand away.

"Im sorry" I said while blushing

"I-its okay" Yuqi said blushing

"W-where is Exy and Soojin?" Yuqi asked

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