Darks and Lights 21

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Soyeon's pov

Tomorrow! Tomorrow is the day that im gonna die! Wow! Who thought i was gonna die like this?! Readers pls help me!

Miyeon's pov

"Were all gathered here today to set up Yuqi and Soyeon. So does anyone have any idea on how to get them together?" I said then Shuhua raised her hand

"Yes Shuhua?" I asked

"Can I kill Soyeon unnie?" Shuhua asked

"What?! Of course not!" Miyeon shouted

"Aww darn it!" Shuhua said and pouted

"Just because Soyeon did that it doesn't mean you can kill her and I know you liked it anyway" Minnie said and smirked

"Shut up!" Shuhua said while blushing shyly

"Yeah babe I know you liked it" Soojin said teasingly

"Yah!" Shuhua yelled and slapped Soojin's arm

"Ouch!" Soojin yelled and pouted

"You deserve that" Shuhua said and glared at Soojin

I laughed at them. I cant believe they did it tho and they are younger than us but they did it first?? Like wtf?!



We ran outside to follow Shuhua.

"Shuhua what happened?" I asked

"Its because of Soyeon she planned it!" Shuhua shouted

"Bitch! Stop shouting what did she do?" Yuqi asked

"S-she..." Shuhua said hesitating while blushing

"She what? Minnie asked

"S-she planned it to happen" Shuhua said and lowered her head while blushing shyly

"It?? What do you mean by it?" I asked

"Oh. I feel like I know what you mean by it" Minnie said smirking

"What does she mean by it honey??" I asked confused

"Oh my god! Shuhua?! Soojin unnie?! You did it!!!" Yuqi yelled surprisingly

"Shhh dont yell Yuqi!" Soojin said

"Guys! What the heck does it mean?" I asked

"Ghad unnie your so innocent!" Yuqi said

"Just tell me already!" I shouted

"It means they have sex okay!" Yuqi yelled and people started whispering

"Wtf did i just hear?"

"Bitch did my baby Yuqi just said that?!"

"Oh ghad my baby is not innocent anymore..."

"Yuqi! Why did you have to yell that?!" Soojin scolded Yuqi

"Sorry unnie" Yuqi said while doing a peace sign and the students started whispering again

"Oh my god! Dont tell me its Soojin and Shuhua!"

"Oh shit! I think its them"

"Ahm yeah guys im gonna go...bye!" Yuqi said and ran to her car and drove away

"Yuqi!!!" Soojin shouted

"That kid really" Minnie said and sighed

"Well that just happened"  I said

"Yeah sure whatever" Soojin said and rolled her eyes

"Atleast Yuqi's not here anymore. I have something to tell you guys" I said

"What is it?" Shuhua asked

"Im planning on making Yuqi and Soyeon together!" Miyeon said happily

"Thats a great idea honey" Minnie said smiling

"Right. Can i kill Soyeon unnie?" Shuhua asked

"No" I said

"How about Yuqi?" Soojin asked

"Still no" I said

"Darn it" Soojin and Shuhua said at the same time

--Flashback ends--


These idiots they forgot about planning the set up and talked about Soojin and Shuhua doing it🤦‍♀️


What do you guys prefer to see a jealous Soyeon or a jealous Yuqi?

--476 words--

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