Darks and Lights 19

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Shuhua's pov

We arrived at school and quickly get out of the car.


Soojin was about to say something but i held her hand and pulled her inside. I cant afford to be late! We are at the door right now.

"The teacher is not inside where is she?" I asked confusedly

"I was gonna tell you that our teacher is sick so she's absent today" Soojin said

"How did you know?" I asked

"Minnie texted me when we arrive" Soojin said and i nodded

We got inside and the students started talking to each other

"Why are they holding hands?"

"Are they together?"

"No they cant be Soojin is mine"

"And Shuhua is mine"

"They are so cute i ship it!"

"This is the best! The member of Darks and Lights are together! I've been blessed"

We sat down and smiled at each other

"Im so happy for you both. Finally we can go on a double date!" Miyeon said smiling

"I know" Minnie said smiling

"How about me and Soyeon? Dont tell me were gonna be a third wheel?!" Yuqi said

"You will be unless you date each other" I said smirking

"Of course not!" Yuqi and Soyeon shouted while blushing

"What? Im just saying" I said and raised both my hands up

"But tbh tho you guys are perfect for each other" Soojin said

"True! We should have a triple date!" Minnie said

"Yes we should! Get ready guys were having a triple date tomorrow!" Miyeon said excitedly

"Yess luckily there's no classes tomorrow!" Minnie said happily

"U-uh y-yeah sure" Soyeon said nervously

"Btw Shuhua where is Tzuyu? I thought she was going here today" Yuqi asked

"Yes she was but she texted me earlier that she wants to go shopping first before going to school...like wtf is she thinking?!" I said

"Well just let her be the teacher is not even here anyway" Miyeon said

"But why cant she just go tomorrow? Theres no class tomorrow anyway" Minnie said

"Idk ask her not us" Soyeon said and Minnie glared at her

"Who is Tzuyu?" Soojin asked

"She's my friend from Taiwan" Shuhua said

"Oh" Soojin said

--Time skipped--

--School bell rings--

"Finally time to go home bye bitches!" Soyeon shouted and ran outside

"Argh! That kid! How could she call us bitches?!" Miyeon said furiously

"Uhm Minnie can i talk with you for a second?" I said

"Sure Shuhua what is it" Minnie asked

"Do you know where Soojin's mom is?" I asked

Im just having doubt on what Soyeon said yesterday because Soojin said she has this 'habit' when she's drunk. Im just making sure that Soyeon didnt plan 'it' to happen.

"Soojin's mom is actually travelling with Soyeon's mom. Why are you asking?" Minnie asked




Soyeon run for your life! You guys might know now who is that 'someone' right?😏

--472 words--

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