Darks and Lights 33

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--School bell rings--

Yuqi's pov

Already? I didnt even get to eat yet. Exy left the bathroom. Exy looks sad...? Thats weird... I left the bathroom and got back to our table.

"What took you so long? Lets go were going to be late!" Miyeon said

"Well your lucky you got to eat. I would have too if it wasnt for SOMEONE" I said then rolled my eyes at Soyeon and Lucas

"Im sorry Yuqi" Soyeon said while lowering her head

"Im sorry too Yuqi" Lucas said while lowering his head

"Just say those shits later! Lets go already!" Miyeon shouted and left with Minnie

"Typical Miyeon. She's so impatient" Soojin said and we laugh

--In the classroom--

"Soyeon" Exy said and held Soyeon's arms

Cant she just stop doing that?! Its so irritating!

"Yuqi" Lucas said

"What is it?" I asked

"I just want to say sorry about what happened. I swear its not going to happen again" Lucas said pleadingly

"Its okay Lucas i forgive you" I said and smiled at him

"Yuqi. Will you really not give me a chance to prove myself?" Lucas asked

"Im sorry Lucas but i dont want you to get hurt. You already know that i like her" I said while lowering my head

"I-its okay i understand" Lucas said sadly

Im sorry Lucas i hope you will forgive me...

Exy's pov

"Exy you can stop pretending now Yuqi's not looking at us" Soyeon said

Wait what??

"W-what are you saying? Im not pretending" I said nervously

"You dont have to lie. I know you dont like me" Soyeon said

Did she know our plan??

"W-what do you mean?" I asked nervously

"I saw how you look at Lucas at the cafeteria earlier" Soyeon said

Was i that obvious?

"What do you mean? I wasnt looking at him" I said nervously

"Then why are you so nervous?" Soyeon asked

"No im not" I said

"Yes you are dont deny it. I know you like Lucas" Soyeon said

I guess there's no point on denying it

"Yes your right i do like Lucas" I said while lowering my head

"Im glad you told me but why are you flirting with me and not him??" Soyeon asked

"I-i cant tell you" I said stuttering

"Its okay if you dont want to tell me but i think you should express your love towards Lucas and not to me" Soyeon said then held my shoulders and sat on her seat

She's right i shouldn't be expressing my love towards her , i should express my love towards him.

I looked at Lucas. Im sorry Lucas but i dont want to continue this...

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