Darks and Lights 48 (SyY2)

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Yuqi's pov

When i saw Lucas i feel...scared and disgusted. Then i remembered what he did to me before...

"There's nothing to be scared of Yuqi" Lucas said while going towards me and I walked back then hit a wall at my back

"Yuqi you dont know how much i want you" Lucas said held my shoulders tightly and kissing my neck

"Lucas get off me!" I shouted while trying to push him away

"No!" Lucas shouted then ripped my shirt

"Help! Someone help me!" I shouted while tears is falling down my cheeks

"No one is going to help you Yuqi" Lucas said while kissing my collar

I was wearing a skirt which is why he easily took of my short underneath and my underwear. I was pushing him off screaming for help but he punched my stomach causing for me to feel weak.

"You better stop moving if you dont want me to hurt you more" He said and started sucking my breast

I hated myself for being so weak. I cant move my body i feel scared and i feel dirty... i closed my eyes tightly while crying not wanting to see myself right now

But then i didnt notice that he took of his pants and underwear. Revealing his (little)dick and he put it in my clit

I was crying the whole time. I hated it! I was not feeling pleasure. I was feeling scared and fear cowered me. I couldn't even move...all i can do is cry...

Then i heard Soyeon and Exy's voice. Thats when i opened my eyes and started calling for help.

Ugh! I dont even want to think about that anymore. It makes me piss that he treated me like that! But then Yeri came to my life , i really love her even though she was made because i was forced to. I saw that a girl was approaching him and kiss his cheeks. I was afraid that he would do the same thing to that girl. Then after that they left.

Soyeon's pov

I got out from the cubicle and i decided to call Minnie because i know what happened to her and Miyeon.

*Phone ringing*

"Hey Minnie!" I shouted

"Why are you shouting? Tiny little creature" Minnie said teasingly

Im worried for her and here she is teasing me?! The audacity of this bitch!

"Hey im not that small!" I shouted

"Yeah right tell that to your wife" Minnie said teasingly

I am offended.

"Fuck you!" I shouted

"Fuck with Yuqi" Minnie said

I was shock on what she said and my cheeks started to get red

"Bitch what the--" I was about to shout when Mia suddenly spoke

"Mom!" Mia said

"I'll call you later Soyeon bye!" Minnie said and hang up

Oh god...welp I will pray for you Minnie!

I got out from the bathroom and look for Yuqi. I saw her and she's staring at...nothing??

"Hun" I called her and she was startled

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