Darks and Lights 32

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Yuqi's pov

I feel like i know her...

Exy?!?! Wth is she doing here?

"Soyeon" Tzuyu said and they looked at us

I look at Exy and she smirked at me?? Is she trying to take Soyeon away from me?! Im not letting that happen!

"Soyeon! Lets go to class" I said while holding Soyeon's arm and we left

Exy's pov

Yuqi! Its nice meeting you again. Are you ready for Soyeon to leave you just like how Lucas left you.


"Your so good at acting like you want her back again" I said and giggled

"I never loved her anyway and im glad we broke up now" Lucas said and giggled

"Your good at acting too like you love me" Lucas said and giggled

"Yeah... just call me if you need anything" I said and he nodded

To tell you the truth i actually like Lucas but Yuqi and Lucas became together. Thats when i got pissed off and i want them to break up. But then Lucas called me and told me to help him break up with her. I was really happy when he said that but he still doesnt like me like the way i do...

--1 year later--

Now im 20 years old at a new school on my last year on being in college and still i cant move on i still love him. But then he called me and i got excited! I answered the call.

"Hi Lucas! Why did you call me?" I asked while smiling

"Can you do me a favor?" Lucas asked

"What is it?" I said still smiling

"Can you flirt with Soyeon? The person that Yuqi likes so that she can be with me" Lucas said and my smile drop

Yuqi Again?! Lucas why cant you notice me...

"Why do you want Yuqi to be with you? I thought you dont love her?" I said while frowning

"I dont love her but she became so hot that made me want to do something to her" Lucas said

Really bitch?! Your that horny?!

"Why do i have to do it?" I asked

"Its because your the one that i trust the most" Lucas said softly

Why did my heart flutter when he said that? Argh! Lucas your lucky that i like you! I wouldn't be doing this if i dont.

"Fine im going to transfer there soon" I said

"Thank you Exy" Lucas said

"Your welcome bye" I said then hang up

Why am i doing this to myself?

--Flashback ends--

I feel like an idiot accepting his request but what can i do I love him.

--In the classroom--

Yuqi's pov

"Tzuyu what should i do? Exy is trying to ruin my life again" I whispered to Tzuyu

"Then dont let her Yuqi. Try your best to get Soyeon" Tzuyu whispered back and i nodded

"Your right. I cant let her take Soyeon away from me. Soyeon is mine and only mine." I whispered

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