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Hello guys, these are the tattoos of all the seven + Calypso. 

Disclaimer: I don't own PJO or HOO, Rick does.

Please enjoy this "not a chapter"!

Percy: An owl and a stack of books.

Annabeth: Ocean waves and a blue cookie. 

Jason: A white dove and a pink heart.

Piper: A lightning bolt and a pair of glasses.

Frank: A diamond (AN: In the rough *haha... no?*) and a sketchbook.

Hazel: A football and an eagle.

Leo: He was disappointed when he didn't see a tattoo on his shoulder. Oh well, there must be too many people that could love Leo that the soulmate system broke. All da ladies luv Leo after all! ;)

Calypso: A wrench and a flame.

Sooooooooooooooo... the next chappie will either be out tomorrow or next weekend! Please read it and give suggestions for anything to fix. Peace out.

- OneAppleBlossom ;)

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