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Like I said before, I feel like shit. And for a scary couple of days, I was honestly thinking of stopping this story and disappearing off Wattpad. 

But I'm too nice for that. *flips hair*

I thought I owed you guys a chapter for being AFK for so long, so here's a present for you:

Chapter 6 - Woman Up Levesque

Hazel looked down into the recent pages of her sketchbook, filled with drawings of gems and pictures of her mother's face that she had drawn.

This day was the seventh anniversary of her mother's death, and Hazel holed herself in her room every single year on this day, drawing her heart out until Nico came and sought her out to mourn together.

Pouring feelings she couldn't share with anyone but Nico into the pages. A light knock at Hazel's door startled her out of her reverie, and she let out a small noise she hoped sounded like 'come in'.

Nico stepped into her room with red-bloodshot eyes and sat next to her on the bed. She felt bad for her brother... well, her half-brother. They had different mothers, but Nico was as brotherly as any brother was.

Nevertheless, she felt bad for him.

This was the same day that he had lost his real older sister, Bianca, to the same people who killed Hazel's mother.

Then, she felt angry. At herself.

She never came to comfort him on these days as he did for her. How could she be so selfish?

Nico pulled her into a hug, and Hazel was about to apologize for being so inconsiderate when the flashback hit.


"Hazel, baby." Marie Levesque whispered with an anxious expression on her face and a maniac look in her eyes, "Your father will be here soon. When he comes, go with him."

9-year-old Hazel quivered in her stance, but nodded and tried to calm her beating heart. Then, her mother hugged Hazel to her chest and stood up. She straightened her back and walked into a room, where the door closed behind her.

Not five minutes after Marie went in, Hazel heard a gunshot and a cut-off scream. Suppressing a shriek, Hazel went to the door and pressed her ears to the thin wall, hoping and praying her mother was safe.

"... kill the girl as well." a commanding woman's voice demanded on the other side of the wall.

This time, Hazel couldn't suppress a scream, and the room fell quiet. Suddenly, a hand fell on her shoulder and she would have screamed again if the other hand hadn't been covering her mouth.

She turned her head around to face her captor, shaking so hard she felt she might never stop. Her gold eyes met ones of pitch black.

Hazel had only seen that pair of eyes once in her life, when she was just a child. Her father, Hades Di Angelo.

Hades put a finger to his lips and motioned behind him, silently asking her to follow him quickly. She complied quickly, following him into a dark alley. They had just rounded the corner out of sight when Hazel heard the door to the room bang open and what seemed like hundreds of footsteps pounded afterward.

Her father pulled her arm to follow him, and he led her to a sleek, black limo. There was no way her mother would- would have been able to afford that.

Hazel was no idiot, she knew exactly what had happened to her mother, but her thoughts were too muddled for her to properly grieve at the moment.

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