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One chapter down, 13 to go! Also, this chapter literally made me scream out loud a couple of times. (You can probably tell what happens by the chapter title).

Chapter 37 - The Chapter You've All Been Waiting For (Pt. 2)

"And so I didn't really know what to think about it, because it was Leo," Piper said, unlocking the front door and waltzing inside, Jason walking in after her, "He got his soulmate tattoo way after us, but of course I was happy for him when he told me he found his soulmate. Why wouldn't I be?"

Piper and Jason originally had a plan, and that was to go straight from Hazel's apartment to Piper's house. But Jason noticed a pair of light-up reindeer antlers in the window of a store that sold Christmas hats and they got distracted.

It was getting dark by the time they actually got to Piper's house, and Jason told her that he would probably have to leave soon. She offered him a hot cocoa, and because he wasn't a barbarian, he accepted.

"Never said you weren't," Jason said, answering her question, and putting his hands up in surrender, "It's just, I would be shell shocked if one of my cousins even found their soulmate, which is way different than not even having one and finding a soulmate."

"It was pretty weird," Piper admitted, "But still."

"A compelling argument, I see," Jason said in a posh voice. Piper shoved him in the shoulder and he broke character, laughing.

Piper heard heels clicking from the hallway on the other side of the room and put on a stoic expression, all joy erased from her face. Aphrodite strutted into the room, fully dressed for some fancy occasion. She glanced once at Jason and raised her eyebrows.

"Well aren't you handsome!" she said, looking Jason up and down, "What are you doing here with my daughter?"

"Uhh," Jason started and Piper interrupted.

"I invited him, mother," Piper said through her teeth, "Why are you all dressed up like that?"

"I have a job in Vegas," Aphrodite said, looking at Piper's clothing with distaste, and turned back to Jason, "I never did catch your name?"

"Jason," he said, "Umm, Jason Grace."

Aphrodite's eyes widened for a fraction of a second, almost as if she was alarmed, but she schooled her expression so fast Piper thought she must've imagined it.

"Grace, huh?" she said, savoring the name, "I know you're father, Zeus."

"Really?" Jason asked with confusion, "How? Not many people know I'm his son, only a couple of other important people."

"Of course I know!" Aphrodite exclaimed, "Us rich people always know others. He and I plus some others used to go to gatherings together."

Piper was really confused at this point and decided it was probably best for them to get out of her mother's range. It would benefit both of them.

She tugged on Jason's arm and said, "We'll have a good trip mother, I hope you do well-"

"Although I do wonder what a handsome young man like you is doing spending time with a girl like Piper," Aphrodite pondered just loud enough for both of them to hear.

Piper stopped in her tracks. Too late, Aphrodite had started her stupid mind control, and Piper couldn't stop it.

"Piper? She's cool, that's why I talk to her," Jason said defensively, and Piper felt a surge of gratitude towards him.

"But wouldn't you rather prefer pretty over cool?" Aphrodite asked, "A girl who strives to look her best every day?"

"Pretty is good, but-"

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