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Here you gooooooo! I actually did it on time!! High school is already so much work though, but I did it!

Chapter 19 - Today I Don't Feel Like Doing AnYtHiNg

Jason's phone slipped out of his hand and fell on his face while he was laying down on his back on his bed, absolutely bored out of his mind.

He had nothing to do. Thalia was hanging out with Reyna again, they were on their sunday morning donut breakfast which was a "seniors only" event. Hazel was out at a tennis game, and Nico was dragged along for reasons unknown. Percy was finally unpacking his stuff, and couldn't do anything fun until he was done.

Jason finished all his homework the day before, and was currently trying to see how long he could sit in one place, doing nothing. He didn't last long.

He made a trilling motion with his lips and stared at the ceiling, kicking his legs in the air like a child. Then, he had an idea.

Jason rolled over onto his stomach, and grabbed a book from under his bed. Then, he sat up and crossed his legs, opening the book. He decided to see how much of a book series he could finish today, and he chose the Peter Johnson series.

He already read the entire thing, but why not read it again? The series was great, and reading the books was way better than watching the movies. They were completely messed up by the film makers.

Jason opened the book, and got through approximately 1.3 pages when the doorbell rang. Jason's eyebrows knit together and he tensed. He was supposed to be completely alone for the morning.

He cautiously went to the door and opened it. When he saw who was at the door, his eyebrows shot upwards.

Piper was staring down at her phone, and she looked up and put her phone when Jason opened the door.

"Hey Jason," she said, leaning against the doorframe.

"Hi Piper," Jason answered, a bit confused, "What are you doing here?"

"Hehe, about that...", Piper said with an awkward little chuckle, "I'm kind of bored, and I have nothing to do. My mom got bored of me and kicked me out of the house for the day."

"I got that, but why are you here?" Jason asked, his mind feeling like mush.

"All my friends are busy today. Leo is at the car garage fixing some rich dude's car, good for him. Calypso's at a barista job interview. Annabeth is hanging out with Percy, an-"

"Excuse me!" Jason said suddenly and Piper jumped, startled, "Percy told me that he was unpacking his stuff. I can't believe he ditched me to hang out with Annabeth."

Piper crossed her arms and frowned, "What's wrong with Annabeth?"

"Nothing," Jason amended, putting his hands up in surrender, "It's just, Annabeth is so smart and organized and stuff, and Percy is so... not."

Piper shrugged, "True."

She continued, "Thalia and Reyna are at their "seniors only, suckers" breakfast and I have nothing to do."

She stopped talking and rocked back and forth on her feet, suddenly embarrassed.

"So I came here, to ask if you were free to do anything?" Piper finished, sounding adorably hopeful, which made Jason fight to keep a blush from his cheeks.

"Yes," he said, flinching right afterwards.

Gods, he sounded so desperate.

"Great," Piper said, grinning broadly, "I know a couple of amazing places here in New York that I know you'll love! Go comb your hair and let's go."

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