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I'm truly sorry that I keep forgetting to update the Carmen Sandiego fic. I honestly think I'm just gonna keep it on hold until I finish this book, but idk

Chapter 35 - The Group Is Getting Back Together

Monday, December 2nd

7:56 AM; before school

Piper pushed her way through the clumps of students who were crowded around the doors of the amphitheater, whispering to each other excitedly.

She dragged Annabeth behind her, who was mumbling and complaining how unholy it is to be waking up at 4:00 AM for Nemo rituals with Seaweed Brains'. Piper didn't know what to think about that, but she decided not to ask.

"Make way," Piper announced, and people moved aside for her as if she charmed them, "Coming through."

Piper stood on her tippy toes to stare over the heads of others and looked at the door. The cast list hadn't been posted yet. She stood back down and sighed, turning to Annabeth and making some conversation as they waited.

After a couple of minutes, Piper heard the noise escalate, and looked back up. Mr. Solace opened the door and wrinkled his nose when he saw all the students loitering in the hallways. Kids were talking over each other and shushed down when he held up a paper with a dark font.

"Okay children," he said, eyeing everyone suspiciously, "I am going to put this paper on the door, and I expect you to let me get back inside before you go wild."

No one responded, but everyone got the idea. Don't trample the teacher, or he'll take away your part. Mr. Solace tacked the piece of paper onto the door and went back inside, looking back once before shutting the door.

Piper hung back as the other students rushed forward to see what they got. Her heart saddened by all the disappointed comments she heard passing around the room. Slowly people, some dejected, and some happy walked away leaving breathing room for her and Annabeth.

Looking around, Piper realized some other kids had the same idea, and they were going to check what they got. She saw Leo and Calypso off to the side with Thalia and Reyna and waved all four of them over.

"Heya guys, how was your weekend?" Piper asked.

"Nevermind that," Thalia waved her away, "Let's check the list."

"My weekend was good too," Annabeth added tiredly, "Thanks for asking."

"I hope your weekend was good Annie," Thalia amended.

"Don't call me Annie."

"Okay, Annie."

Piper shook her head fondly and pulled them all to the list, and held her breath. She had this weird habit of checking other's successes before her own. She checked the crew section first.

Crew - Set Design, Props, Costume, Tech, etc:

Nico Di Angelo, Tommy Hilfiger, Reyna Arellano, Janis Sarkasian, Cinder Lihn, Frank Zhang, Jason Dean, and anyone else who wants to be a part of the glorious crew.

"Hmm," Reyna wondered aloud, "I guess being a part of the crew is just a nicer way of being told 'you didn't get in'."

Calypso shook her head, "That's absolutely untrue! The crew is very essential to a musical or play's success."

"Yeah," Leo drawled, "I mean, at least you won't be alone. You've got me for company!"

"Yay," Reyna deadpanned.

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