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Here it is folks, love meh after this.

Chapter 49 - New Year A New Beginning

Sometimes Annabeth really wished she had a fashion sense.

Seriously, it was almost 9 and almost time to go out with their friends. And she had absolutely nothing to wear.

Annabeth's wardrobe consisted mainly of normal, casual clothing, and she didn't really have anything even mildly fancy.

To make matters worse, literally half of the clothes she owned had been stuffed in the washing machine and wouldn't be washed and dried in time. She stared annoyed at the closet, as if giving it a death glare will magically make something decent appear.

When nothing decent did appear, Annabeth huffed and decided to go visit Piper. She was lucky that she had been staying in Piper's place for the last couple months. Now she just had to walk down the hall to talk to her friend.

She walked in on Piper staring at her phone, already fully dressed and ready, which made Annabeth embarrassed. She hated being late.

It was completely Percy's fault, she decided. For distracting her, and he was lucky it was break, because she would never speak to him again if thinking about him brought her grades down.

Don't get her wrong, she still wished they could have had something more than a friendship that was probably half-broken now. She could settle for being friends.

A part of Annabeth's conscience told her that she was lying to herself and she told it to shut up.

"Hey Piper, I need help?" Annabeth asked meekly, "I don't have anything to wear and... why are you smirking like that?"

"Because I knew it," Piper said simply, and got up, surfing through her closet, looking for something.

She pulled out an outfit that struck Annabeth with surprise. Never had she ever seen something so casual yet so fancy. It was her kind of dress.

"Where did you get this?" Annabeth asked awed, and Piper grinned.

"It was supposed to be your New Years gift, but I guess you can use it before," Piper laughed, patting her friend on the shoulder, "Who knows, maybe it'll even bring good luck."

Annabeth smiled, and told Piper to wait a second while she got something from her room. She came back in and shoved a small, wrapped gift into Piper's hands.

"Open it," Annabeth inisited, "It's for you."

Piper complied, and she let out an aww when she saw what was inside. It was a photo of the two of them, sticking their tongues out at the camera. Annabeth had framed it and decorated the frame herself.

"It's so beautiful!" Piper said, hugging Annabeth, "I love it. I'm going to keep it forever. Leo will be soooooo jealous!"

"Good to know you are using this against Leo," Annabeth laughed.

"Oh you know I still love it."

After ten minutes, Annabeth got ready and Piper dragged her to the door. The group was going to meet at the Starbucks near Times, but of course, Piper and Annabeth were there first.

Once everyone else arrived, they all exchanged hugs, wishing each other with hopes that they had a good year.

"Hey Annabeth," a voice called nervously from behind her, and Annabeth's heart started beating faster.

She turned around to face Percy, and he looked sorry. Annabeth knew exactly for what, and if he apologized for freaking her out, she would forgive him. But first, she had to make life hard for him as payback.

Scars - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now