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I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THESE CHAPTERS OUT OF ORDER. READ 30 BEFORE 31. (This is NA for people who are reading this after the chapter was posted for a while.)

Here's the second chappie I promised you! PS: It's a bit shorter than I usually write.

Chapter 30 - The Chapter You've All Been Waiting For (Pt. 1)

Thanksgiving Day; 7:49 PM

Calypso made sure she was all ready for the dinner tonight. No loose clothes, no dirty windows, no nothing.

Silena and Beckendorf told her that morning that they were inviting the neighbors over for dinner. It didn't really matter to Calypso until an hour before, when Leo popped his head out the window and yelled, "See you soon Sunshine!"

That's when Calypso remembered that Leo was her neighbor. Then, she had run around like a maniac trying to clean up all the loose articles around her room. She also made sure to make herself look presentable.

Calypso didn't exactly know why she was doing all this, it was only Leo after all. That is what she kept trying to tell herself whenever she stared at her tattoos, and saw the wrench and flame mocking her.

She thought that there was no way Leo was her soulmate, but her tattoos told her otherwise. The flame was obvious, though Calypso knew Leo didn't like to talk about his mom, and the wrench was too. He was the only person her age who used tools like wrenches, unless Calypso's soulmate was a really old dude.

She shuddered just thinking about it.

A part of her kind of hoped Leo was her soulmate. He was nice, funny, handsome in an elfish way. And he noticed and liked her for more than her looks.

That's all she's ever wanted. For someone to love her. Zoë loved her, but she's dead. Calypso is pretty sure her foster parents love her, and she loves them too, but they are so secretive.

She wants to find her soulmate so badly.

Calypso was brought out of her reverie by Silena, calling her to come greet the neighbors. She must've missed the doorbell ringing.

She bounded down the stairs, and to the front door. Beckendorf was already there welcoming Leo and his dad. Calypso had never met Mr. Valdez, but Leo wasn't lying when he said they looked nothing alike.

Hephaestus had dark skin, and a face covered with scratches and bruises. But he did clean himself up nice, so he has that going for him.

Leo caught Calypso's eye and winked at her. She smiled back, and Leo made a silly face. Calypso laughed, drawing Silena's attention to them.

"Well," Silena said, eyes twinkling, "It looks like you already know each other! That's great, you guys won't be bored by all our boring adult talk."

Calypso grinned, "Don't worry mom, we won't be bored by your talking."


Calypso picked at her peas. She was so bored.

The adults were talking about random adult stuff, and Calypso tuned out almost instantly. By the looks of it, Leo was bored out of his mind too.

Calypso and Leo locked eyes, and Leo mimicked snoring. I'm so bored. Calypso nodded, and pointed at herself. Same. Leo used his hands to create a bird, and flapped his "wings". Do you want to go on another adventure?

Don't ask how she knew what that meant. She didn't either.

Calypso nodded eagerly, and Leo put a finger to his lips. Then, he whipped his hand out and knocked the glass of water on the table onto himself. Calypso gasped, and Beckendorf got up immediately to grab some paper towels.

Scars - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now