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Okay, guys, the votes are in and the winner is (drumroll please): CARMEN SANDIEGO! (Don't worry TUA fans, I'm actually doing a fic for that too :D)


I am DOUBLE-UPDATING TODAY! REEEEEEE!!! Our school had a day off and I just spent it speed writing. If that's even a thing. So if the chapters are shitty, I apologize.

Chapter 29 - Annabeth Ruins a Sweet Moment

Thanksgiving Day; 11:37 AM

Jason stood outside the door to the mansion, gaping.

When he asked Percy for Piper's house address, He didn't expect that it would actually be this huge. Well, he did know that Piper's father was Tristan McLean, but seeing their house in person was a completely different story.

Jason took a big deep breath and pushed the doorbell. He heard a faint ringing noise, and heard someone yell "coming".

Jason looked down at the card he'd written for Annabeth. Once he heard about her time in the hospital, he felt obliged to make her a card. Even though they barely knew each other.

On the plus side, Annabeth was now living in Piper's house. Which meant that Jason could also visit his crush. Um... but of course visiting Annabeth was much more important to him at the moment. And it was Thanksgiving today, so she might be busy

Jason was pulled out of thoughts when the door swung open. In front of him was a sight he thought he would never ever see. His jaw dropped.

Piper was standing at the door in a pair of pajamas, stretching. She was wearing a cute black tank top and shorts with kittens all over them.

It seems Jason wasn't the only one who was surprised. When Piper saw who was at the door, she shrieked and slammed it shut so hard, Jason could almost see it vibrating.

Jason tried to force the blush away from his face, while listening to whispered arguments coming from inside. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, trying not to feel too awkward.

Finally the door opened again, and this time Annabeth stood at the door. She was wearing normal clothes, which Jason thought was probably normal for her. Annabeth seemed like an early bird.

Annabeth looked at him apologetically, "Sorry about Piper, she got up late and freaked out when you were at the door."
Jason twiddled his fingers in front of him, "Uh.. that's- well, I'm honored that she wants to look presentable in front of me."
Annabeth rolled her eyes, "Don't get too confident. Also, why don't you come inside. It's freezing out there, I don't know how Piper can sleep in summer nightwear. Happy Thanksgiving by the way."

He returned the sentiment. Annabeth kept the door open and Jason took off his shoes and coat and stepped inside. The decor was even more breathtaking on the inside, and Jason wondered why he and Thalia refused that offer their dad gave to stay in a bigger place.

Then he remembered: 1) He hates his dad. Jason was trying to create an escape plan that didn't involve saying goodbye to his family. He was getting nowhere at the moment. And 2) Jason wanted to be near his family, even if they were irritating as Hades.

"It's amazing isn't it," Annabeth said dreamily, "The architecture is beautiful. I mean, just look at the staircase banister! And the columns holding up the levels. I could spend all day just trying to draw them."
Jason smiled. He heard Annabeth go off about architecture many times, and it was actually pretty interesting to hear about. He was listening to her talking about how the modern form of the house was actually based off of historic panels when Piper came into the room, changed into regular clothing.

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