Question for my Wonderful Readers

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Hey friendos,

I have a question for all of you. I really want to write another story, preferably one that has "PJO characters as ________ characters". I already have 2 ideas for it, and I was sure which one I was going to do. Then somebody came with another idea, and I have no clue which one to do.

I wanted to ask you all which you would prefer: Carmen Sandiego or Umbrella Academy?

There are pros and cons of each, but I really wanna do both of them. The reason I can't do both of them is that I have only one storyline and two AU's. Having the same plot for both would be really annoying.

Here is an example of who the characters would play in each:

Carmen Sandiego: 

-Carmen: Annabeth

-Player: Percy

-Zach: Nico (happy Nico cause I stan a happy Nico)

-Ivy: Bianca (the reason for happy Nico)


Umbrella Academy:

-Luther: Jason (mY dAd leFT mE oN tHe mOOn)

-Deigo: prolly Percy, idk (Also, underwater breathing heehehhehe)

-Allison: Piper (duh, charmspeak)

-Klaus: Nico (duh, ded ppl)

-Five: TBD

-Ben: Frank 

-Vanya: TBD


Soooooo.... which one would you like me to do? Tell me here -->

ALSO, I want to write this as fast as possible before I lose interest in both fandoms (it has happened before) but I'm in the middle of Scars so....

IF ANYONE WANTS TO COLLAB WITH ME, PM ME TO TELL ME WHICH STORY YOU'D LIKE TO DO!!! Although I doubt anyone would want to collab with me :')

-Blossom ;)

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