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Okay guys, this chapter actually made my heart pound while writing it. And that doesn't happen often! I hope you like it!!

Chapter 25 - Mars, You F-ing Moron

Mars was gone again.

Frank just woke up one morning and his father had disappeared again. He didn't think much of it, assuming he would return.

But it had been 3 whole months and Frank was starting to get worried.

And it didn't help that Reyna was constantly trying to get in touch with him. Apparently, she had something "important" to tell him, or show him. When she called the first time and said the words, "It's about your father" he had almost blown up.

Frank couldn't believe she had the nerve to call him after years and have the first thing she say to him be something bad about his dad. She said he was supposed to be a wanted criminal, and Frank almost guffawed out loud.

His father. A criminal.

It didn't fit, Mars was loyal to the army. He served for years, earning soldier of the year more than anyone. Well, almost more than anyone.

Mars used to compete with Frank's mother to see who got more accomplishments, just as a game. But wherever Frank saw the new medal for soldier of the year, it just reminded him more of the sacrifice medal given to his mom.

So naturally, he hung up on her.

And declined her calls, 17 times to be precise. It was crazy, it must've been important if Reyna was taking her time to call him 17 times.

But Frank let his anger cloud his judgement, and he ignored her calls, texts, emails, everything. Reyna would send him glares across the hallway, but would never actually come over and talk to him.

And he was fine with that.

Which is why Frank was beyond surprised when he opened the door on the first day on Thanksgiving break and saw Reyna standing outside his door, her hands on her hips.

When he opened the door, Reyna's eyes snapped up and meet his, and she sighed in relief. But then, her gaze hardened and she marched into Frank's house without saying a word.

"Hey," Frank exclaimed, as Reyna pushed past him into his living room.

She grabbed his jacket out of a closet near the door (he could not believe she still remembered where that was) and thrust it into his arms. It was late November, and the weather was becoming colder and colder.

"Come on Zhang," Reyna commanded, "Let's go."

Frank stayed where he was, "And where is that exactly?"

Reyna rolled her eyes, "The police station, obviously."

When he still didn't move, Reyna tugged at his sleeve but he wouldn't budge.

"Seriously Frank!" Reyna said, exasperated, "Will you stop being a baby and come with me?"

"No," Frank responded with an equal amount of vigor, "I don't care what you have to say about my dad, he isn't a criminal and I know that."

Reyna opened her mouth to retort, then stopped and took a deep breath. Her eyes were full of sympathy when she looked back up.

"Frank... this also has to do with your mom..."

Frank's eyes widened, and he searched Reyna's face for any trace of a lie. He found nothing.

Finally, he relented, "Okay, take me there."

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