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Hola mi amigos. I have another chapter for you, and a question at the end. ANSWER IT!!

Chapter 32 - Heyo, Chinese Canadian Baby Man!

Annabeth couldn't explain how much she hated Drew Tanaka.

She took one step into the school on Friday after her bedrest command was lifted, and groaned when she saw Drew and her posse walking up to her. She tried to speed walk in another direction, but Drew called out her name and she made the mistake of stopping.

"Oh Anniebeth!" Drew said with fake sweetness, "Don't run away!"

Annabeth turned around and raised an eyebrow, "What do you want Drew?"

Drew smirked, "Oh nothing, just wanted to ask if you were okay, darling. I heard about your, ahem, fainting situation."

Annabeth gritted her teeth and resisted the urge to sock the vain girl in the nose. She was about to retort with an insult of her own when Drew's eyes looked past Annabeth's shoulder at someone behind her. Drew smiled and checked her hair in her compact mirror, smoothed down her designer skirt and pushed past Annabeth.

Oh, I feel bad for whatever boy she's tormenting now, Annabeth thought rolling her eyes with irritation.

"Hey handsome," Annabeth heard Drew say sweetly, "I've never seen you here before. Are you new? Do you need a tour?"

Annabeth would've just walked away without a care if she didn't recognize the voice of Drew's new victim. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, glaring at the back of Drew's head.

"Uhm, I'm fine," Percy said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck, "I was new, but I've been here for months now."

Annabeth watched, trying not to explode, as Drew laid a hand on Percy's arm. She could see the discomfort almost oozing out of him when Drew got close. She decided to help him out, just because she felt bad.

Definitely not to see the look on Drew's face, or because she was jealous. Absolutely not.

"I'm sorry," Percy said to Drew, who was getting up in his face, "I don't..."

He caught sight of Annabeth, and his face lit up. Annabeth waved, and urged herself not to blush in a situation like this.

"Annabeth!" Percy exclaimed, looking between her and Drew pleadingly, and Annabeth took the hint.

"Hey Percy," Annabeth said, hooking her arm through his elbow and pulling him away from a gaping Drew, "Come with me."

Annabeth had to use all her self restraint not to glance behind to see the look on Drew's face. Percy didn't complain as Annabeth dragged him into the school. Once they were inside, Percy sighed in relief.

"Thanks," Percy said, grinning cheekily at her, "You saved me from whoever that was. What do you think she wanted? Homework help? Because I'm pretty sure she'd have better luck asking you."

Annabeth sighed exasperatedly, "Oh Percy..."


She shook her head and they stopped at the library entrance. This is where Annabeth spent most of her time during the "dark days" as she'd labeled them. Going to the lunchroom meant facing the smell of food, so she couldn't do that.

The library was a safe haven for her. Annabeth continued past it. She needed to get to her first period, and she knew Percy's was on the other side of the school.

Annabeth unlinked their arms and they said goodbye.

Luckily, she didn't run into Drew during the morning, which was great. But she did freak out when she saw Leo and Calypso at gym class. Annabeth literally squealed when she saw each other's names in place of their tattoos. And she never squealed, so it was pretty special.

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