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Okay, Ima make this quick cause I don't like writing authors notes and I'm supposed to be asleep.

I'm posting this chapter a day early cause I KNOW I'm gonna forget tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff tomorrow so yeah. (Benefit for you guys anyway)

Chapter 22 - ERMAHGERD!

Frank was so embarrassed.

He looked so stupid in that photo, and he had no idea who took the picture. If he did, he would be hunting them down for taking such an embarrassing photo.

He was drooling, and his eyes were crossed and he looked so chubby. Hazel giggled at it and said that he looked cute and at that moment, Frank wanted to die.

Easy for her to say, Frank thought ruefully, she looks beautiful even as a baby.

Of course, his stupid conciousness had to say that out loud. Hazel blushed and the idea of crawling into a hole and living there became slightly more appealing to Frank.

Hazel's expression at once became suspicious, "Why do you have a picture of all these people as kids, including us?"

Frank shrugged, "I never knew about that compartment, and my dad was the only other person that was living here..."

Frank trailed off as he made the connection between his dad's disappearance and this newfound evidence.

"Hazel!" Frank said loudly, making Hazel jump.

"Jeez Frank," she said, putting a hand to her heart, "Don't do that!"

"Sorry," he amended, but continued, "I think my dad left this for me to find on purpose. This obviously has something to do with his disappearance."

Frank's excitement died down a bit when he saw Hazel's doubtful expression.

"Are you sure Frank? Has your dad ever, you know," she threw her hands around for emphasis, "Done anything illegal?"

Frank felt an irrational surge of irritation and annoyance. Even though she might be correct, Frank felt a little insulted that she would accuse his father of doing something bad. She didn't even know him.

"How would you know?" Frank said, in an angry tone, and then felt bad when he saw Hazel flinch.

"Sorry," she said timidly, making Frank feel guilty.

All the fight drained out of him, "It's... fine. I'm sorry too. I actually don't even know half the stuff he does nowadays."

Hazel smiled at him, and put a hand on his shoulder. "I can relate. My dad is all into his work. Barely speaks a word to us when he's around."

They shared a smile and the silence became unbearable before Hazel broke it.

"I need to leave Frank," Hazel said, and Frank's smile faded.

He stole a quick glance at the clock.

8:54 P.M.

"Oh," Frank said startled, "I didn't realize how late it was."

Frank helped Hazel pack her things up and opened the door. Hazel walked out and swiveled around to look at Frank.

"Bye Frank," she said, "It was nice to get to know you. And thank you so much again for letting me stay here."

"Don't mention it."

Frank watched as she walked down the driveway, how her curly hair bounced up and down as she walked. Then he came to realization and felt so stupid.

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