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There is nothing I need to say here except your welcome. Also, it's super short. Basically, just Percy realizing something the fandom's known about for years. (ALSO, if it's badly written, I apollogize. I was in a rush.)

Chapter 33 - What a Stunning Realization, Seaweed Brain

When Hazel woke up to a text from a random number on a Saturday, she was sure it was her online bully.

Then, when she read them, she found out it was just Leo.

Unknown: Hilo Hazel

its Leo ;)

i have a business proposal for you and I got your number from Thalia

Hazel added Leo's contact to her phone, and answered him.

Hazel: Um, hey?

What's your business proposal?

Leo: do you want to go to baskin robbins for ice cream?


Why not? :D

Hazel raised an eyebrow and laughed at the conversation. It was pretty weird, but Hazel hadn't gone to Baskin Robbins in forever, so she wasn't complaining. She got dressed in normal clothes and grabbed her purse. Leo had texted her an address, and it was close by, so she decided to walk.

Her phone dinged and Hazel looked down.

Before you go, tell Nico I found my soulmate. I don't want him to get the wrong idea o_o

Hazel laughed and scribbled a note for Nico, taping it to the fridge before she left. She knew it was impossible for Nico to get up this early on a weekend, so she made sure to tell him where she was going, also adding the soulmate thing that Leo asked her to say.

It was a pretty short walk to get there, but Hazel was excited. She could almost smell the ice cream from outside the store. Can you even smell ice cream? It didn't matter, because Hazel could eat it and that's all that matters.

Leo was late to his own hangout, barging into the store 5 minutes after Hazel found a table to sit at. He grinned apologetically at her and waved sheepishly, while Hazel rolled her eyes and shook her head, smiling.

They ordered their ice cream, with Leo gasping that Hazel liked pistachio ice cream. He told her that chocolate was definitely the best, and Hazel flicked some pistacio in his face.

A lot of weird conversations had started when they sat down, which led to some weird debates, but now they were both quiet.

"So, what was the reason to ask me here?" Hazel asked, swirling her spoon in her melting ice cream.

"Like I said before, why not?" Leo said, shrugging, "I like making friends, and I was bored."

"Yeah, but why me?"

"Well, I consider you to be an in-between," Leo explained, "And in-betweens annoy me. Either you hate me, or you're my friend. So which one is it?"

Hazel blinked, "What?"

"After this ice cream social, do you hate me or am I a friend?" Leo asked.

"You are so weird," Hazel said, shaking her head.

"I'm taking that as a yes for a friend."

She laughed, and Leo did too. Then, Hazel noticed a couple people she recognized a few tables away. It was Percy and Annabeth.

Scars - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now