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Trigger Warning: 

Mentions of self-harm. If you get triggered by these kind of things, please do not read. 

Hi, fellow friendos! I updates pretty early this time, because I wanted to. I kind of like this chapter, it makes me feel loved. Hope you like it!

Chapter 14 - Rule 1: Always Lock the Bathroom Door

Piper was dying of boredom already, and it wasn't even lunchtime. Well, until it was. But she had to endure the entire first half of the day with her friends complaining to her or confiding in her about things.

First was Leo, he came up to her with a dreamy look on his face saying that he met "a girl" with a sigh that was so un-Leo like. Piper smacked him, obviously. His entire friend group consisted of girls, and now it was like Piper and the others were a whole different species.

Then, it was Reyna on the way to when Piper was on the way to Physcology. Reyna wanted to be a detective in the police department after she graduated, but she was freaking out because the office mixed up her schedule. They got her elective wrong, and instead of putting her in forensics, they placed her in choir. Piper, being the great friend she is, had to use an immense amount of willpower not to laugh.

Although she wasn't exactly sure why Reyna was coming to her, it wasn't like Piper could "bibbity bobbity boo" her schedule into changing.

After that, it was Annabeth, when they were changing in the locker rooms. Annabeth was irritated that she was paired up with Jason again for gym, and decided that Piper was going to be her new ranting vacuum.

It was all too much for Piper really. She had to go through a bunch of this stuff at home as well, with her mother. Aphrodite was really stepping on the gas today, criticizing Pipers clothes, her no makeup, her breakfast choice.

Piper didn't feel the urge to cut that morning, but she sure was now. She subtly glanced behind her back to check if anyone was following her. Then she walked into the girls bathroom that nobody used. There was some rumor that a student was murdered there, but Piper didn't believe in rumors.

They won't come looking for me, she reasoned, I'll just say that I left something in the classroom.

Piper took the razor out of her inner jacket pocket and held it up to her wrist. She started very lightly, letting the white lines show up on her skin. Then, she cut deeper into the skin, and blood started dripping down her wrists onto the floor. It was fine, she could just wipe it off later. She was starting to feel a little bit giddy, like she always did when she cut. The feeling that this was wrong, but she was doing it anyway gave her a sense of euphoria.

Not the perfect girl you thought I was, huh mother?, Piper thought, with a sort of twisted happiness.

"What are you doing?!" a horrified voice squeaked from the doorway.

Piper gasped and dropped the razor. It fell to the floor with a clatter in the silence. Piper looked up at the person who came in, and that when she knew she forgot to lock the door. The person was a girl, shorter than Piper. She was maybe a year younger, with frizzy black hair, golden eyes and dark skin. Her mouth was agape with horror.

"Uh- I... I can explain," Piper said, putting her hands up in surrender.

She couldn't explain.

What kind of excuse could she even make? The girl clearly had seen everything, the razor, the blood, Pipers guilty face.

"Please, don't tell anyone," Piper pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice, "You can't tell anyone!"

The girl finally came to her senses, and her gaze hardened. She stalked towards Piper and Piper flinched when she grabbed her wrist. Piper watched as the girl took off her backpack and procured a first aid kit out of it. Piper opened her mouth to speak but the girl beat her to it.

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