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I know what you're probably thinking: Author, your sister is a godsend.

That is very true, and another true thing is how much I'm gonna CRUSH this challenge. You may have the final chapter of this by the 20th, peace out.

Chapter 39 - The Big Merge

Calypso walked into the theatre room and was immediately jumped by her friends.

They had moved tables that day, to sit together. Piper had suggested it, so she and Jason had pushed together the two tables and the whole group sat together. There were some other people Calypso didn't know, like Reyna, Thalia, and Will, but they were nice.

Whenever she looked at the group, she felt a rush of happiness. After all, when she first got here Calypso thought she would be left out. But now she found her soulmate and is a part of a big friend group. There was still some tension between Frank and Leo, but it wasn't all that bad.

Leo cracked jokes and Percy added to them, together they made everyone laugh. Annabeth and Jason talked about school while Piper and Hazel chatted about other things.

Did she mention that Jason and Piper were soulmates?

That's right, and Calypso only found out when she got jumped at rehearsal.

"Calypso, Calypso guess what?!" Leo shrieked, shaking her arm back and forth, "Piper found her soulmate! It's Jasoooooooon!"

"Gods, Leo, calm do- wait WHAT?"

Leo nodded vigorously, jumping like a kid who ate too much candy. Piper was behind him next to Annabeth, and she looked embarrassed, her face in her hands.

"Leo, why are you so annoying?" Piper asked, her voice muffled by her hands.

"Because I can and have the right to be. You literally didn't tell anyone at lunch and I had to hear about it from Annabeth."

Annabeth laughed as Calypso chided Leo on the art of manners and patted Piper on the shoulder. She saw Frank come into the room and they made eye contact. They haven't told the others about their findings yet.

She could've brought it up at lunch, but everyone was having such a good time, it would be a shame to ruin the mood.

Frank came over and joined their group, making it almost everyone. They were just missing one person...

"Where's Percy?" Annabeth asked, "I haven't seen him all day."

"He's absent today," Jason said, "I think he and his mom are out of town."

"Oh really, why?"s

"They are going to visit Percy's dad."

Annabeth's eyebrows shot upward, "Wow... it must be so awkward for him."

"Tell me about it," Thalia groaned, "We actually know our dad, and it's still silent at the dinner table every time he comes."

"Speaking about parents," Piper said, "My mom gladly isn't returning until Christmas day, and that's when my dad is coming home for the holiday."

"You need to do something about your mom Piper," Hazel said, "That is such a horrible thing to do to someone, and it's even worse if it's your family."

"I guess so," Piper said, shrugging, "At the moment, I felt like I couldn't breath. But now I'm fine, thanks to Jason."

They smiled at each other and Thalia and Reyna made the gagging noise at the same time. Everyone laughed and that's when Mr. Solace came into the room and asked for everyone's attention.

Scars - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now