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Well, here we are, people. I love you all! <3

Chapter 50 - And They Lived Happily Ever After... Not!

6 months later...

By now, it was pretty clear that Frank needed to get a life.

He had run out of the money and supplies that his dad left behind, even after harsh rationing. Frank decided that he needed to get a job, so he went to the local diner and got a gig as a busboy.

...Or whatever that was called.

His friends had helped out too, especially Sally. When she heard that Frank didn't have much food to eat, she blamed Percy for not telling her. She had been inviting him for meals and sending food over for a while now.

Things were going pretty well for everyone. Percy and Annabeth were happily together, the anxiety attacks were gone for good and Annabeth's food consumption had been stable for months. Jason's dad seemed to be rethinking putting his son in his place, and Aphrodite wasn't bothering Piper as much anymore. She still almost cut sometimes, but didn't really feel the need to anymore. Hazel was still the sweetest person ever, but the texter was still going strong, though he didn't seem to need anything anymore. Leo got burned badly last month, and Calypso's dad was still on the loose, but they were happy.

Crazy that they were all soulmates with each other. It was like their parents knew... but no one could. So that's one thing even famous people don't have a hold over.

Frank didn't know what he did to deserve such good friends when Percy came two days after the last day of school with blue cookies.

They cried when Reyna and Thalia graduated high school. Reyna had decided to take up dancing again, just as a hobby now. She still wanted to pursue employment in the crime department. She called Frank, scared out of her wits when rehearsing for a show. He told her he'd be there at her show, and when he saw it, he was amazed. Reyna was a great dancer, even when so young, but seeing it again after a long time was really tear-jerking. He wouldn't admit it, but he shed a couple tears watching his childhood friend show everyone how it was done on stage.

Frank didn't really know what Thalia wanted to do, and apparently neither did she. For now, she was going to try out different things at her college.

Speaking of stages, their production of In The Heights went really well. Their friends on the stage performed really well, and... well let's just say the kissing scenes didn't really make a difference anymore.

Anyway, Percy decided to visit with cookies and Frank was grateful.

"Tell your mom thank you," Frank said, biting into a cookie and sighing happily, "These are the best things ever."

"I will, but just know you'll start getting tired of saying thank you," Percy said knowingly, "I swear, I procrastinate so much, but my mother does all these things and still has time on her hands to take care of me alone."

"Alone? What about Mr. Blofis?" Frank asked, "They're an item aren't they?"

"Who... Oh, Paul?" Percy asked, and Frank almost choked on his cookie.

"You call him Paul now?" Frank asked, still coughing.

"Weird right?" Percy grinned, "He's not that bad a guy. I mean, when he realized that I was that same kid with the James Bond joke on the first day of school, he actually laughed and said I was a nice son."

Frank smiled, "Well that's nice of him."

"Yeah, I'm still salty because he told my mom about the James Bond thing even when I told him not to," Percy grumbled, and Frank cracked up.

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