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Hilo lovely readers! I just want to give a shoutout to @Fabiliaa for getting the last trivia question correct first. Congrats!

So, my battery is going to die in 3 minutes so I'm kinda sorta rushing. Sorry bout that, but at least there's a new chapter!

Chapter 13 - Make Some Friends, Then Make a Couple More

Calypso started sketching random hearts in her art notebook while she listened to the teacher talk about random artists that made an impact on the world and- blah, blah, blah SNORE.

Maybe Calypso should have checked the description for the class before choosing it. She was pretty sure she didn't sign up to listen to some rust bucket drone about dead people. That may have sounded a bit rude, but Calypso didn't care. She was having a horrible day already because of what she saw that morning.

When her new foster mom Silena drove her to school, Calypso saw an ambulance wheeling an extremely maimed corpse-like child that looked no older than 15. She threw up a little her mouth just thinking about it, so she let her mind wander to happier topics.

Her new foster parents were amazing, better than her original parents could ever be. She would have to get used to referring to calling Silena and Charles as "mom and dad" but she could see it happening. Probably sometime in the near future.

Calypso was a very big daydreamer, and the teacher was half-blind, so she was able to stare off into space and dream easily compared to other classes.

She made a couple of new friends already, which was crazy. Hazel was in this art class, and the first half of class she helped Calypso out with how Goode High School rolled, and they talked. Now she was talking with her brother Nico, who wasn't actually as scary as he looked. He was Calypso's guide around the school during first period Science, and he was pretty cool to talk to. Frank only talked to Calypso once, when he asked to borrow an eraser, but he was nice as well. It only took one look at Frank and Hazel for Calypso to ship them, they were both shy and nice and adorable.

And then there was Leo. The incredibly annoying but also funny boy that she met yesterday.


Silena just finished showing Calypso around her room and left her to start unpacking her items. Calypso hauled her suitcase onto the bed and clicked it open. She stared at the case and sighed, then walked to the window and opened it for fresh air. Calypso inhaled a deep breath of cold air and closed her eyes.

After a couple of seconds of peace, Calypso heard someone yell "watch out" and saw a black object hurtling towards her. She yelped and ducked as the object flew into her room and fell on the floor with a hard clang. Her heart racing, Calypso turned around and picked the object off the carpet.

It was a hammer.

Calypso furrowed her eyebrows and frowned, turning back to the window. The house next door had a window that was right in front of Calypso's. A boy with curly brown hair and an impish smile was poking his head out the window and smiled sheepishly at her.

"Sorry," he said, "That's my hammer. I didn't mean for it to go flying out the window!"

Calypso scoffed, "How in the world could a hammer go flying out your window and into my room."

He laughed weakly, "Haha funny story..."

Calypso stared expectedly at him and he sighed.

"I was playing slingshot with my hammer and a rubber band", he mumbled and then flinched waiting for the new girl to throw something at him or something like that.

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