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I'm not gonna finish by today lmao. We called the challenge off, but you'll get the final chapters by Tuesday at most.

Chapter 47 - Why Is This Chapter Here? I'm Dying To Know About Percabeth!

Of all things that could happen to Leo, seeing Jason and his dad at the car garage wearing itchy looking suits was the last thing he had expected on a Saturday morning.

He had been working on a car that was brought in a week ago, but they never started on it yet. The owner was obnoxious, calling five times a day to ask if their engine was fixed.

Leo huffed as he fiddled with the tools, trying to find out what was going wrong with the car in the first place. That's when they arrived.

The sleek black limo, carrying two passengers. One of whom Leo knew very well.

"Jason?" Leo asked as they walked inside, wiping the grease off his face, "What are you doing here?"

Twirling the tie around his fingers, Jason shrugged awkwardly, "Um, you know, just... stuff."

Leo turned to look at the towering and scary man beside him and decided that making eye contact was not a good idea. "Ah," he said finally, "I get you."

"Hey boy," Zeus said gruffly, "Where's your boss?"

"He's out back, getting some supplies," Leo hooked a thumb back where his dad was looking for items, "Until then, I can tend to whatever you need?"

"Excuse me son, but I think fixing my car calls for a professional," Zeus said, irritated. Leo nodded quickly and turned, trying not to bump into anything as he made his way to the back.

"Dad," he yelled into the darkness of the workshop, "This stuffy man is asking to see you."

Leo heard a grunt, and he knew his father understood. After getting back in the sunlight, he had to squint from the dark.

How his father was able to work with no light? Leo would never know, but it worked so he guessed it was okay.

When he came back in the main garage, Zeus looked down his nose at him, and raised an eyebrow, "You said "dad". Is Hephaestus your father?"

Leo opened his mouth to respond when his dad came in, seemingly annoyed at being disturbed. When he saw Zeus, his scowl deepened.

"What do you want, Grace?" he snapped, "Can't you see I'm busy?"

"Be quiet, Hep," Zeus said, "All I want is my car to be fixed."

"Then ask Leo," his dad said, clapping Leo on the shoulder, "He can help you. Don't distract me from my project. It's the project, too."

"He's a kid."

Leo didn't know what this "project" was, but they definitely knew each other. He made eye contact with Jason and gave him a look. Jason shrugged, and mouthed "they know each other?"

Leo shrugged, and they tuned back into their parent's conversation. They looked like they were trying to have a staring contest, but eventually Hephaestus looked down at the car and said, "Ok I'll see what I can do."

Hephaestus found out what was wrong with the car and while he was doing that, Leo and Jason stood off to the side talking quietly.

"Hey, how are you man?" Jason asked, and Leo winced.

"It's good, but... there's some drama going on in our group," Leo started, "With Percy and Annabeth..."

Jason's face twisted like he ate something sour, "Yeah, I heard. Percy doesn't want to tell me about it, but I think he did something bad."

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