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This challenge is really bringing you guys joy lmao. I have another chapter for youuu!!

Chapter 38 - What is Going On With Our Lives...

Annabeth plopped onto the sofa in Piper's house, grabbing the remote and clicking on the daily news channel.

"Blehhh," Piper said, walking into the room, "You're so boooooring Annabeth, why do you even watch the news channel?"

"Because it's interesting," Annabeth protested, "I like being up to date with everything happening."

Piper scoffed, hiding a smile, "Typical."

"Shut up Piper," Annabeth said, her eyes glued to the TV, "Go have fun with Jason."

Piper blushed and Annabeth had to hide a smirk. Jason and Piper had gotten together about a week ago, making Piper the third friend Annabeth knew who found their soulmate. Kind of crazy, because most people found their other half after 20, getting it in high school was normally far fetched.

But now there was Leo and Calypso, and Jason and Piper. There was always something odd about them anyway.

Since Piper was out, Annabeth decided that she was going to finally finish that book that she'd started. With all the crazy stuff that happened recently, Supernova had just been sitting on the counter, waiting for Annabeth to pick it up.

She itched to find out what happened to Ace Anarchy and whether the Renegades would prevail or not. This was one of the instances that she would rather have the villains win because the good guys are annoying.

Annabeth flipped through the news channels, finally landing on one that seemed interesting enough. As it played, she got up to get a glass of water. Her phone chimed from the counter.

Picking it up, she saw that Percy and Hazel had created a group chat.
She went to the participants and read all the names. Percy, Hazel, herself, Jason, Leo, Frank, Calypso, and Piper. So basically all the eight children of destiny.

A notification flickered.

Percy: Hiiii

Hazel: Hey :)

Leo: hyello

Suddenly the group chat name changed and Annabeth almost spit out her water. Leo has changed the name to: Peeps With Problems™ and she couldn't stop laughing at it.

Piper: wtf did you change the name to Leo?!

Leo: ;)

Annabeth shook her head and clicked off her phone, setting it down and getting her water. She walked back to the TV and saw that it was talking about some government branch or something.

She changed the channel but frowned because her keen eyes caught something familiar in the last news channel. Annabeth went back to the old one and read what it was talking about.

A news lady said, "New York City has been hit with its 50th child attack of the year. County has said that the police have yet to indulge citizens on information regarding these children."

The lady on the screen flickered, and a shaky shot of a neighborhood in the city filled it's place.

"This is a picture taken by one of the people living nearby where the latest victim's body had been reported," the lady said, "Representatives from the Global Child Services were the first on the scene. Bob, let's take it to you."

Annabeth paused the TV before the talking could be handed over to Bob. She squinted at the headline, wondering where she had recognized that acronym.

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