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Hi, I'm tired again. 

Tigger Warning: Mentions of self-harm, read at your own risk.

Chapter 4 - End It Cleanly Mclean

Piper flopped onto her immaculately made bed after her morning workout with her mother, rumpling up the covers a little bit and enjoying the brief moments of silence before-

"Models do not flop onto their beds' daughter, they sit on the edge daintily," a saccharine-sweet voice lilted from outside Piper's bedroom.

Piper stifled her groan and got up quietly, remaking her bed and smoothing her hands over the glossy silk sheets. She made sure not to miss a spot because her mother, the amazing model Aphrodite Mclean, (AN: that was sarcasm btw) was no doubt watching her every move from the doorway.

"I'm sorry mother, " Piper said quietly, looking down at her feet that her mother commented were "too big" to be from a woman, "I won't do it again."

She looked up and locked eyes with her mother, the most beautiful and cruel person Piper ever met. That one thought of rebelliousness died away, and Piper looked back down respectfully at her feet but forced.

Aphrodite had silky black hair that made its way down her back in curled ringlets, with only the most expensive hair items used on her beautiful locks. With chocolate brown eyes like those of a feline. She was thin as a toothpick, with a curvy, full-body which attracted a lot of men, and sometimes even women. Aphrodite's skin was fair and spotless, her nails and clothes always complimenting each other and the rest of her. Piper really wished she hadn't inherited her mother's insane beauty.

Her mother did another once over Piper's bedroom, trying to find something to critique. Not finding any flaws, she pursed her lips, flipped her hair over her shoulder, and promptly left the room, shutting the door behind her.

Piper let out a breath she didn't know she was even holding, and it made her plop back down onto her bed and bury her head in her hands.

Why couldn't I have just gone with Dad?


Tristan Mclean met Aphrodite Ouranos at a theatre gathering. He was immediately struck by her beauty and charm, and she seemed to like him just as much. They started going out after a week and dated for a couple months before getting married.

After they had Piper, Tristan and Aphrodite made it big, Tristan with a high-paying acting career which required him to move around a lot and Aphrodite with a modeling job. Both of the jobs needed a lot of traveling, but someone needed to stay and take care of Piper, the beautiful baby who inherited her mother's beauty and her father's smile and hair.

So while Tristan went on world tours and visited iconic cities and landmarks, Aphrodite would stay at home and take care of Piper. Needless to say, she hated the job and wanted to dump her daughter in an orphanage to be taken care of by someone else, but then an idea struck her.

If she could raise Piper to be exactly like her, independent and flawless, it would help Aphrodite's modeling and parenting. She was wrong of course, but she obviously didn't think that. The result of her carelessness was a five-year-old running around a large empty estate, eating whatever she wanted, and doing whatever she pleased.

There were many, many times when Piper had been left alone for long periods of time, and she did learn to be independent but vowed to never become like her mother. Once Piper hit her middle school years, Aphrodite realized just how beautiful her daughter was, even more so than Aphrodite herself. That was a problem.

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