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I swear to the gods my mom is gonna kill me. Here you go, bye!

Chapter 17 - Drew Can Make Your Life a Disaster

Hazel jumped out of the car the minute it came to a stop, steadying herself and then charged in through the school gates without saying bye to her cousins.

She could faintly hear Nico calling for her to wait up, but they were already late and she couldn't afford detention this early in the school year. Jason and Thalia came late because of their dad, and Thalia was their ride. They couldn't just leave without her.

Hazel barged into science and slid into her seat right before the bell rang. Nico came in a couple of seconds later and tried to sneak to his seat quietly, but the teacher wasn't having it.

"Mr. Di Angelo", the science teacher, Mr. Jefferson said, "Detention."

It wasn't really that big a deal to be 30 seconds late, but everyone knew that Mr. Jefferson took any opportunity to give students detention.

Nico groaned and gave Hazel a stink eye, to which Hazel returned with a smug smile. She turned to the board and put on her 'I'm paying attention' face. She didn't really need it though, because every teacher looked at Hazel and assumed that she was an angel that wouldn't dare break rules. Hazel would like to keep it that way.

Science passed by pretty quickly, and when the bell rang, Hazel walked out of the classroom and into the hall. She wasn't looking where she was going and bumped into someone in front of her. It was a girl.

The girl shrieked and dropped the compact mirror she was holding. She turned around and Hazel blinked. The girl was Asian and was very pretty, with shiny black hair and soft brown eyes that could pierce right into any boy's heart.

Hazel broke eye contact and swooped down to grab the mirror off of the floor, and held it out to the girl. She snatched it out of Hazel's hand and put her hands on her hips.

"Oh, what do we have here?" the Asian said, "A cute little girl. What's your name?"

"H-Hazel," she answered, not knowing what this girl wanted with her.

"Drew Tanaka, darling."

Hazel tried not to let her mouth drop open.

Drew Tanaka?! The Drew Tanaka. Hazel heard so many things about the girl in the grade above from other people who were personally harassed by her.

"Oh, poor girl! You're trembling!" Drew exclaimed, holding Hazel's shoulders to stop her from shaking.

"Thanks," Hazel said quietly and Drew smiled.

"No problem," Drew answered in a sugary tone, "You know, we should hang sometime. You're pretty cool, Hazel."

Then she turned, flipping her hair and sashaying off while Hazel stared wide-eyed at her back. Did the most popular girl in school just ask Hazel to hang out?

"Don't listen to her, she's going to backstab you at some point even if you're her friend," said someone from beside Hazel.

Hazel jerked her head to the side and slammed the back of her head into a locker next to her. She winced and peeled her head off the locker and rubbed it with her fingers, and turned to the person next to her.

"Ouch, I'm sorry for startling you. Is your head okay," she said.

It was Annabeth Chase, one of Thalia's good friends. Again, Hazel never talked to her and steered clear of her. She was best known to judo flip people who asked her out or annoyed her.

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