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I said that I might not update this week. But I did. Cause I wanted to. Life is a pile of dog poop right now, and I don't feel like scooping it up.

Disclaimer: I don't own In the Heights, Lin does. While I'm here: I also don't own Percy Jackson, only Rick and Annabeth do.

Chapter 31 - Lin Is a Freaking Genius

The first thing Percy saw when he walked back into school after break was a huge walking ad for the musical In The Heights.

Some kid, probably a freshman, was running through the hall with 50 million posters taped to his face, shirt, pant, and more. He would just throw the poster into people's faces as he ran by. Percy would know, one hit him right in his face.

It was a really unorthodox technique, but Percy had to admit that it worked. He folded the paper and tucked it into his pocket as he walked into class.

The poster was forgotten until lunch, when Will brought up the topic of auditions.

Percy walked up to the lunch table and sat down, waving at all the people he hadn't seen over break. Which was pretty much only Frank and Will.

Percy noticed Frank wasn't really into the conversation at the table, picking at his food sullenly. He caught Franks eye and raised an eyebrow to ask what was wrong. Frank just shrugged and mouthed 'nothing' before looking back down at his plate.

Percy narrowed his eyes, and stared at Frank for a moment before letting it go. If Frank didn't want to tell him what's up, he didn't have to.

"-itions? Percy?"

Percy looked up, "Huh?"

Thalia rolled her eyes, "He wasn't paying attention Will, start again."

Will groaned, ever the drama queen, "Again?! I already had to restart twice just for you, you know?"

Thalia waved her hand dismissively, and Will huffed, but started speaking anyway.

"So Percy, apparently the school is putting on another musical. In The Heights by Lin Manuel Miranda? Ever heard of it?"

Percy nodded. He actually loved In The Heights. Benny was the most relatable character for him, for obvious reasons.

Will continued, "Ever since last year's production of Heathers didn't go very well, my dad has been paranoid in choosing people to play parts."

Percy furrowed his brows, "I thought your dad was the doctor?"

"He is," Will said, "Part time. And the rest of the time, he is the theatre supervisor."

"Wow," Percy said, impressed.

He could barely do his homework on time, and there Mr. Apollo was, balancing two jobs at once. One of them being a doctor job too.

"Continuing," Will cut through Percy's thoughts, "Do you want to audition?"

Percy almost choked on his blue mac'n cheese.

"Me?" he asked incredulously, "No way man, if I sing, it'll probably cause an avalanche."

Hazel piped up from the seat beside Will, "That's not true! I've heard you sing before, and you sound really nice."
"Hazel, you never say anything mean to anyone," Percy sighed, "And that's great, but my voice isn't that good."

Nico spoke up, with a mouth full of fries, "I agree to that."

Hazel shot Nico a withering glare, and he shut up. Nico would never be caught dead saying it out loud, but he thought Percy wasn't a half bad singer either.

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