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It's here! *puts on the best Maui voice possible* YoUr WeLcoME!!!

I hope you like it, give me "kudos or comments" about the story please, anything I messed up or something you think I should change. Don't hesitate to give positive commentary too! ;P


Chapter 1 - Jackson Meets "Long Lost" Family

Percy chewed on the bottom of his lip while the movers hauled the boxes with their belongings to the apartment building. It was a quaint little apartment building with around 15 floors with its creaky floorboards and dirty window ledges and... it was just how Percy remembered it.

Olympian Apartments, he smirked, Jason, Thalia, Nico, and Hazel will be so surprised when they see me.

Percy dug his hands through his travel backpack and felt around until his hand brushed against the final blue cookie in the bag.

"Uh oh," he mumbled out loud, "Last cookie. I better savor it."

So naturally, Percy being himself shoved it whole into his mouth and smiled as the gooey chocolate goodness hit his taste buds. As he chewed, he looked up at the tall, dingy building in front of him in Manhattan, New York.

Finally, home sweet home.

Mom got out of the car and walked up to the building's door and stood next to me.

A word about Percy's mom before you meet her, she is the best person in the world. She can take on anything and is the strongest person he knows. Even after, especially after...

Percy shuddered, remembering why they were moving back to New York in the first place. Memories flashed before his eyes at breakneck speed, and he latched onto his mothers and squeezed to keep the panic attack from arriving. Not here, not in front of all these people.

Sally squeezed back and put her arm around Percy comfortingly. Immediately, all the visions went away. She was the only one who was ever able to tame the attacks.

"Its okay, honey" she whispered in his ear, "Its okay."

And he believed her.


Percy Jackson never really believed in the idea of "soulmates".

What really was a soulmate? A person who would love you? Someone who would stay with you and love you forever?

It was all a bunch of lovey-dovey nonsense if you asked him. The internet only ever talked about "How great and beautiful having a soulmate feels" and "Love at first sight was real with soulmates". Gag.

They never talk about the heartache and pain that some people go through because of soulmates.

Take his mother for example: She was given tattoos sets for two people. That's one set too many. She met Percy's dad on a beach, and they stayed together for one summer, which resulted in Percy. But then, after that summer, he just left Sally and an unborn baby child alone and disappeared out of their lives forever. That day, one of Sally's tattoo sets turned into the name Poseidon Atlantis, which either meant her soulmate was dead, or they left her behind. It hurt her so much that when she found the second tattoo set's match...

Percy never dwelled too long on that topic, it was too painful.

Another example was his cousin Thalia: Percy could still remember how excited Thalia was when she got her tattoos, showing them off to the rest of their cousins, flaunting the fact that she was a year older and therefore got her tattoos first.

Two years later, the year before Percy moved to Greece, she arrived at his door with red-rimmed eyes and a devastated Jason at her side. Her tattoos had been replaced with the name Luke Castellan, who when they surfed through the web, discovered about a sandy-haired smiling boy who had died in a train wreck only hours before. The three of them spent the rest of that night watching action movies and eating mint chocolate chip ice cream.

Of course, now Thalia is happy and single, but that's not the point. She was hurt and pained by someone she never even knew, her soulmate, who if they were never her soulmate in the first place, she wouldn't have had to go through that heartbreak for someone she didn't know.

Obviously, 10-year-old Percy was too young to understand that, and bounded up to his mother and happily talked her ear off about his soulmate. When he turned 11, and the "Thalia incident" happened, he started to doubt the soulmate system (although he should've still been too young).

When his mother met Gabe Ugliano however, when Percy was 12, was when the trust in soulmates broke completely.


At 17, Percy walked up the apartment buildings stairs to his cousin's apartments, just like all those years ago. Still too young, but with scars that cover him physically and emotionally.

And absolutely no trust in soulmates.

Ooooooooh! Didja like it?!?!? Well, the next chapter should be up by next Saturday so STAY TUNED! *Does weird Jimmy Fallon farewell bow*

-OneAppleBlossom ;)

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