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I swear I'm usually excited about updating a chapter. Now I'm just irritated lmaoooooooooo.

Chapter 40 - Sketchy Boxes with Bad Packaging

The mysterious hacker person was getting bolder now.

Hazel frowned down at the text that had given her directions to some warehouse, telling her to go to this destination and wait for further instructions.

"What in the world?" Hazel muttered, staring at the chat opened in front of her.

The person pinged again, and Hazel read the message with disdain. Leave only after midnight.

After midnight? No way. Hazel shivered, did this person even know how dangerous it is out in the streets at night? Especially for a girl?

Hazel wasn't completely helpless though, having taken defense classes when she was younger. Even then, going out into New York alone gave her goosebumps. She would never go without Nico.

It's fine. She could do this.

Five minutes later, she was still in her apartment. After looking around to see if anyone was watching her, which was crazy because obviously no one was, Hazel sighed and decided to just call it a night.

She was just about to walk into her room when she got another text.

If you go to sleep right now Levesque, you'll regret it.

Hazel gasped and whipped her head around to check around her once again. There was no one. She trembled with fear, but when nothing came out to attack her, she checked the phone again.

The address was texted to her again.

Sighing, Hazel turned to look at Nico, who was snoring on the couch with the TV still playing some new show he was watching. Supernatural or something. It looked scary, Hazel would never watch that.

Creeping towards him, she clicked off the television and sighed in relief when Nico didn't wake up.

Hazel glanced at the clock. It read 9:46 PM, almost 2 hours before she was allowed to leave. She sighed for what seemed like the 500th time today and took out her homework that wasn't due for another week.

If she was actually going to do this, she might as well be productive until it was time to go.


Hazel pulled the jacket around her tighter as she walked out onto the cold streets. It was due to start snowing any day now, and Hazel couldn't wait.

Snow fascinated her, but it only looked pretty during the day. At night, it started to look more scary than beautiful.

Shady characters crossed by her in the street, because the city never slept, and Hazel tried not to make eye contact with anyone. Around 20 minutes later, she arrived at the location given in the chat.

Hazel's eyebrows scrunched together as she examined the place. It looked like a warehouse, but she didn't know what was in it or what company used it to store their selling products.

Opening the chat again, she read the instructions. Somehow, the guy knew exactly where she was because the minute she had come, Hazel was sent other instructions to obey and carry out.

Good, now do you see those boxes?

Hazel squinted into the darkness and faintly saw a couple of boxes next to the warehouse doors.

She was about to type yes into the chat but the person had already texted something else.

Grab the one that's marked with an x instead of an o.

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