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I don't feel like doing an intro so here:

Chapter 3 - Take Over With Grace

"Mr. Grace?"

Jason was jerked out of his fantasies of being a normal child for about the millionth time when he heard his last name being tossed out carelessly in the large crowd.

He shielded his eyes from the camera's flash setting and the just the sight of the showy clothes of the countless paparazzi and media that were here for the interview.

"Mr. Grace, what do you have to say about the shares in the stock market for Olympic Inc. going down last week?", one of the nameless news reporters asked, arousing another round of nods and agreement.

And once again, Jason sighed in relief that the question wasn't directed towards him. He was Mr. Grace, yes.

But not to the public. To the public, Jason was just a secretary or student intern that happened to be at the interview. No one important. His father, Zeus Grace, was the one that was being bombarded by questions.

Jason could hear his father's loud and commanding voice over the racket of the others, answering the question with a calm, precise tone and reassuring words. He gulped, being reminded once again that this could- would- be him soon.

The annoying little voice in the back of his head whispered again, you're almost 18, almost time to take over the company.

Jason tried to keep the headache at bay. He hated the fact that soon, he wouldn't be a normal 18-year-old boy without a care in the world. After he graduated from high school next year, Jason's father wouldn't even bother sending him to college. He would take over Olympic Inc. the moment he threw his square graduation cap in the air.

Jason could still remember a distinct memory from when his parents were still talking to each other.


8-year-old Jason Grace peeked out from behind the door to stare into the living room, where his parents were yelling at full volume, not even caring to lock the door or try to reduce their voices to not scare the children.

"He's just 8 years old", his mother Beryl Grace screamed, "A child! You can't bring him into all your business and politics, I won't allow it!"

"He's my child, so I will decide whether I start teaching him how to take over the company when he's older, and introduce him to the press.", Zeus yelled back with just as much vigor.

"Your child! YOUR CHILD!" Beryl screeched, "He's my child too! You already told the world about Thalia and now she can't even leave the house without random media people asking her if she's going to take over the company!"

Jason winced at his mother's tone, not even understanding what they were so upset about. If they could just talk it out, maybe they could come to an understanding.

"Thalia will not be taking over the company," Zeus argued, taking on a defensive tone, "I vowed only my first-born son will be the head, besides, Thalia wouldn't want to take over. Once I tell the media that Jason will be the new CEO, they will get off her case."

"And then what about Jason? Then they start stalking him? AT 8?" Beryl yelled, screaming a string of words that almost made Jason's ears bleed afterward.

"Fine," Zeus said, deadly calm, "Until Jason is legally an adult, we will keep him hidden from the public. I will still teach him what he needs to know, but he can be seen as a normal boy at least until then. Then, he will take over the company."

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