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Oh my lord my heart hurts writing this. Please don't kill me.

Chapter 46 - The Chapter You've All Been Waiting For But You Really Don't Want It

Annabeth couldn't help but feel a bit giddy being alone with Percy.

For the longest time, they had always been the others with them. Never the two of them alone, but now they were.

She thought it might be hard to talk with each other, but then she remembered that they were friends before the so-called "big merge". It wouldn't be hard to talk to him, because it never was.

Annabeth was right. She and Percy talked the whole way to Pipers house. They walked in the front door, talking about the difference between illusion and reality.

"No, illusion is something that people want but probably will never happen because humans are bad and keeping promises," Annabeth said, and Percy shook his head.

"Couldn't illusion be reality?" he asked, and Annabeth thought about it.

"An illusion can't be reality because then it breaks the rules of what is classified as illusion or not," she said confidently.

Percy rubbed his forehead, "You're confusing me."

"I know, Seaweed Brain. It's what I do."

Annabeth sat down on the couch and turned on the TV while Percy took off his shoes and jacket and came inside.

"How was your talk with your dad?" Annabeth asked, "I forgot to ask when you came back."

"Well," Percy started, "I understand why my mom thinks I look like him, if you gave me a beard and wrinkles... BOOM, I'm Posedion."

Annabeth stopped what she was doing, "Poseidon. Where have I heard that name before?"

"He owns that big fishing company," Percy said.

"Oh yes," Annabeth snapped her fingers, "That's where. So he's rich and you guys are living in an apartment? What a great father he is."

Percy shrugged, "Actually, he did offer money after he took off to get back to his real wife. But my mom refused it, saying that if her life was going to mean anything, she has to live it herself."

"Wow, that's thoughtful," Annabeth raised an eyebrow, impressed, "I bet your mom will be a great author."

"She'll be the greatest."

The conversation turned to something more lighthearted, and Annabeth checked the clock. It was getting darker, Piper and Jason would be back in around a half hour.

"Are you going to get home?" Annabeth asked, "It's almost 9 o'clock."

"Yeah, my mom is probably worried about me," Percy said, but made no move to get up from the couch.

All of a sudden, Annabeth's eyes flickered past Percy to look at the tv, and her heart dropped. Percy noticed the change in demeanor and turned around to look at the TV too. The sound was off, but the captions were very, very clear.

Inmate and drug dealer Gabe Ugliano escaped the Korydallos Prison in Greece a couple days ago. Some people claim to have seen him last in New York City. More information will be given later.

Reaching for the remote, Annabeth switched off the set quickly, and had to calm her racing heart. Percy hadn't had an incident in months, but this...

She turned to Percy, who had fallen quiet, "Percy? Are you-"

"He's here."

"It's okay Percy, he doesn't know you've moved back here. It's probably just a coincidence."

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