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Holy Schist, people! I have 1K reads on Scars!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! 


Also, I'm sorry that whenever I update, I never have time to write an author's note. It's not because I hate you guys, don't think that. It's because I, being the stupid idiot I am, always postpone my writing until almost 12 am. And while I'm trying to update, my mom is yelling at me to sleep, and I'm yelling back that I need a couple of minutes and so I just skip the author's note. Sorry (not sorry bout' what I said....)!

So without further ado, here's the chapter. (This chapter is kind of short because I suck, and its also kind of a filler.)

Chapter 11 - Army + Ocean = Besties

Frank bit his cheek and hid his face in the hoodie of his jacket as he walked into the central park in his neighborhood. It was still summer, but the weather seemed to not realize that because it felt like Christmas.

With his head down, he stared at his feet, thinking about 11th grade. Frank took art because one of his soulmate tattoos is a sketchbook. He had no idea what the diamond could stand for, but at least the book gave him some leads.

Frank let out a warm breath in the cold air, wondering how his friends would react. He could see it now, Ethan Nakamura and Matt Sloan laughing their guts out and insulting him with things like "You?!? Art?!?" and "What a loser!".

They were jerks, but it's not like Frank could just leave them. He found it hard, leaving the table he sat with since middle school, to sit alone. If only someone, preferably his soulmate, could come and invite him to their table.

Frank cracked a smile, still staring at his feet as he shuffled forward on the path. What wishful thinking, something like that would never happen.

Still lost in thought, Frank walked forward and didn't even notice when he bumped into someone tall. He stumbled back and tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, falling flat on his back on the sidewalk.

"Ugh", Frank groaned, his back hurting even more after his rigorous workout that morning.

"Oh my gods, I'm so sorry, I should have watched where I was going.," a voice said, and Frank saw a hand extended in front of him.

He stared at the hand, pushing himself upon the palms of his hand. Frank was startled when the person cleared their throat.

"Are you gonna take it? If you wait too long, the offers off the table", the person said, and Frank bit the inside of his cheek to fight the urge to laugh. (A/N: If someone can tell me where that is from, I am going to cry tears of joy)

Grabbing the hand, the person hauled Frank to his feet and Frank got a good look at his face. In the first three seconds when he saw the boy, Frank thought he looked like a Roman god. He had sea-green eyes and raven black hair, with a lean but not too muscly body. The boy grinned at him.

"Hey," the boy said, "Nice to meet you, my name is Percy."

"Frank," he responded.

Percy looked like he was around Frank's age, but Frank had never seen him at school before and their school was the only high school in a close distance.

"Are you new around here?" Frank blurted out after a couple of seconds of awkward silence, "I don't think I've seen you at school before."

"Actually I am", Percy admitted, "I just moved back here yesterday, and met my cousins again."

Cousins? Maybe Frank knew them.

"Jason and Thalia Grace, Hazel Levesque and Nico Di Angelo," Percy said, almost as if he plucked the question right out of Frank's head.

Scars - A PJO/HOO Soulmates AUWhere stories live. Discover now