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7 more to go after this.

Chapter 43 - Dirty Criminals Escape, Oh No

The lights in the watchhouse swiveled precariously through the front yard of the prison, watching quietly for trespassers.

A tall man ducked behind a delivery truck that had parked nearby and peeked out from behind his hiding spot. Growling, he stole a look at his watch.

Mars was late. Their commander wouldn't like that.

But he kept his mouth shut, and scanned the area for guards. All the foolish security people had gone for dinner, assuming no one would dare break into this heavily guarded prison on Christmas Eve.

Well it looks like they were wrong.

Some small movement caught the man's eye, and he unlatched his gun from his holster, fingers held over it in case of an ambush. When nothing came, he stood up suspiciously and made his way to the side of the prison.

He walked to where he had seen the movement, but there was no one there.

"The famous Atlas huh?" a voice called from behind him, and Atlas swung around and pointed his gun at the voice, "Looks like you haven't lost your touch."

The person speaking was tall and strong, just like Atlas, and he had the same leader stance as their commander. The only difference is that Mars wouldn't kill his family, people he loved.

"I know that look," Mars said dismissively, "You don't think I can do the job."

"Gaea told me to watch over you," Atlas said, scanning him from head to toe, "She said that this guy is one of your son's friends' stepdad, and you won't want to hurt your son anymore."

"I am perfectly capable of doing this job," Mars said, gritting his teeth, "You're not the only one who killed family."

That shut Atlas up, and reopened an old wound. Calypso.

How was she doing? He hadn't thought about her in years, not after his failed murder of both her and Zoë...

It wasn't like he wanted to kill them, it was orders. Orders that he had disobeyed in the end by getting himself caught.

"Whatever," Atlas said, closing the conversation, "Let's just get this over with."

The Korydallos prison in Greece was not a very open or famous one, so it took a bit of digging to find out where the prisoner was being kept. Once they got it, Gaea sent her best to collect the prisoner.

Of course, her best consisted of two men who tripped the wires within seconds of entering the place.

"What did you do?" Mars, hissed, and Atlas shot him a withering look.

"Me?" he said, astonished, "You stepped over the wire!"

"The whole reason there are two of us here is to watch out for things like these," Mars spat, "And arguing isn't going to get us anywhere."

"Then what should we do?"

"How about run?"

Hoards of footsteps pattered down the hallway as the two men ran into the main room. They scanned all the passageways until they came across one that said: Inmates Dorms.

"Which room is it?" Atlas said, looking through all the rooms at the surprised people in the cells.

"Cell 14, this hallway," Mars recited from memory.

They ran down the hall, glancing at every number on the wall until Atlas spotted the one they needed.

"Found it," he shouted, and Mars came over, "Hand me the bar cutters."

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