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Yes, tis I. Updating barely two days after last time. No, you are not seeing things. I actually updated. And surprise, there is no cliffy in this one!

There is Percabeth tho-

Chapter 28 - Revenge Was Never So Sweet, Forgiveness Was Never So Hard

Annabeth didn't exactly remember how it happened, but the next time she woke up, she was in the hospital instead of in her bed.

Noticing the unfamiliar room around her, Annabeth jolted up and looked around, taking in all the details that might be needed for a breakout. Someone yelped beside her when she moved so suddenly, and Annabeth turned to face them.

It was Piper. She had a hand over her heart and a face that looked like just wet her pants.

"Jeez Annabeth," Piper whispered harshly, "What did you do that for?"

"Where am I?" Annabeth asked, confused beyond belief.

"Oh," Piper's tone softened, and she continued whispering, "You don't remember? Anything?"

Annabeth shook her head and felt mildly irritated. She was so left in the dark. She hated not knowing things.

"Well," Piper continued, "Yesterday was Sunday, and you appeared at my doorstep and fainted."

"I fainted?" Annabeth whisper-screamed.

Piper nodded vigorously, "I called 911, and they came to pick you up. Mom isn't home, so it was fine. They checked your vitals and said you would be alright."

All at once, the memories of the last day flooded into Annabeth's brain. She remembered fighting her way through the pain to get to Piper's house. She remembered getting there and finally giving in.

Annabeth also remembered things from before that. She recalled feeling mild stomach pain all day, but then when it hit 3 pm, it just exploded. The pain was too much to even think through. She ended up walking all the way to Piper's house instead of taking a taxi or hell, even calling the cops herself.

Then she also remembered why she didn't call the cops long ago. A fear of being sent to some nameless faceless family, that could be even worse than the one she had at the moment. Annabeth never took the risk.

"Oh gods Pipes," Annabeth said, putting her face into her hands, "I'm so sorry."

"What?" Piper demanded, still whispering, "What are you sorry for Annabeth? You're the one who almost died!"

"I'm sorry that I ruined your vacation," Annabeth said miserably, "I know you were having a blast while your mom was gone and... why are you whispering?"

Piper blinked, "I... don't know actually..."

Annabeth grinned, and listened to Piper tell her over and over that Annabeth's health was way more important than some dumb break.

Also, Annabeth realized that her stomach had stopped hurting and was actually full for the first time in a month.

"Annabeth?" Piper asked, seemingly unsure about even saying anything, "Was it your stepmom? Like, did she do this to you?"

Annabeth started, "H-how'd you know?"

Piper exhaled and her expression became angry, "That son of a gun! I always knew something was wrong with her! From the way I have never actually been to your house, and you always freeze up when you talk about her, and when you talk about-"

She cut herself off, when the realization dawned on her. Annabeth sighed and looked away, not wanting to see the pity in Piper's eyes.

"Please tell me Annabeth?" she pleaded, and Annabeth looked at her reluctantly.

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