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Ahahhahhahha, this chapter makes me screech and feel happy all over. Also, I'm sorry the Frazel reveal is so bland and short.

I just can't write Frazel, no matter how much I like it.

Chapter 42 - A Teenage Christmas Party (Pt. 2) 

No matter how many times Hazel blinked, the stupid mistletoe wouldn't go away.

"Uh oh," Frank said, staring up at it.

"Uh oh indeed," Hazel said nodding.

Frank stared at her, but she pretended not to notice. "Are you okay?"

"Okay with what?"

"Okay if I kiss you?" he asked nervously.

Hazel gulped, "Sure, that- that's fine with me."

She closed her eyes and leaned up. Frank kissed her and everyone in the room whooped loudly.

Nico booed, until Will elbowed him in the side, then he shut up.

Hazel pulled back, feeling exhilarated. All of a sudden, pain spiked through her ankle and she winced, looking down. Her breath caught when she saw her tattoos changing.

She watched in wonder as the two tattoos changed into a name. A name that Hazel knew very well.

Frank made a strangled noise in his throat and pointed at Hazel's ankle, and then at his own tattoos, which were under his collarbone. Hazel couldn't stop a huge smile from exploding onto her face.

The room, which was quiet due to the revealing, was now cheering even louder than before. Hazel took Frank's hand and led him into a separate room in the house.

Leo watched them go, smiling at the good fortune. They needed their privacy. Whatever happened would happen, and it was their business. He looked for Calypso in the crowd, finding her jumping up and down with joy.

"Isn't it great?!" she sighed happily, leaning against Leo, "It's so romantic."

"Are you saying our soulmate reveal wasn't romantic?" Leo asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

Calypso rolled her eyes, "No, it was awkward."

Leo gasped, fake offended, "I am hurt Sunshine! You've created wounds that no one can fix!"

Calypso laughed, shaking her head fondly. The two of them found a really hyper Piper, who was literally bursting with happiness, and pretty much the same exact thing happened with Annabeth.

Wait, no, not Annabeth.

It was Percy who was fawning over the mistletoe kiss and saying stuff like: "Frankie and my lil cousin are soulmates! I need to go prepare for the wedding!"

Jason was happy but sad, grumbling, "It was meant for Percabeth, but whatever."

"What did you say?"


It was nearing around midnight and the party was still going strong. There were people dancing in the big living room and a DJ had come (no one knew where from) to play music for everyone.

"I don't feel like dancing," Piper wrinkled her nose, "Let's play truth or dare!"

"Uhhhh, I don't know about this," Annabeth said, "Last time we played truth or dare was pretty bad..."

"I remember last time," Leo said, then shuddered, "And I'd like to forget, pretty please?"

"It won't be like that this time," Piper promised, "Pleaaaase?"

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