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Hahaha, hello! For once I actually updated on tiiimmmeeee. Well... I always update on time, its just this time I didn't write the chapter on the same day I post it.

Trigger Warning: Mentions of suicide and abuse, please don't read if you get turned on by this. 

Chapter 20 - Just a Sprinkle O' Percabeth Will Do

Percy felt kinda bad for abandoning Jason.

But it wasn't his fault, Jason was being so nosy and Percy didn't know what to say whenever Jason asked about that day during the thunderstorm.

He actually finished unpacking a long time ago. His mom reprimanded him when she came into his room and saw all the unopened boxes, so the whole "I'm unpacking so I can't hang out with you" thing just came out of his mouth when Jason told him he was bored.

Whatever, Percy thought, Jason will be totally fine without me.

The only problem after that was: Now Percy had nothing to do.

He thought of biting and asking Jason if he could come over, but that would just arouse more suspicions. His inner turmoil finally ended when Annabeth sent him a weird text.

Percy gave Annabeth his number if she ever needed someone to talk to. Their chat wasn't anything amazing. It mostly consisted of Percy asking if Annabeth could come over because he was having a "Code Gabe" or Annabeth telling him that she was fine and was eating well.

Reading their texts without knowing the context would either lead to people looking at them weird or thinking they were some kind of teenage spies for the government.

Percy slipped his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, going to his messages.

(Percy, Annabeth)



Oh my gods, I'm so sorry! It was a pocket text, I don't even know how that got sent to you.

thats fine, whatchu doin?

Percy, please use grammar.

Fine, Wise gurl

Percy totally did that just to make her mad. Then, he had a genius idea and a smile stretched across his face.


Hey, do you wanna come over?

Uh, why?

I'm bored

Why are you asking me?

I don't want to ask Jason. too many questions

I'm going to ignore the lack of punctuation and capitalization. For now. And sure, I'll come. You got any food?

Obviusly, we're not barbarians.

I'm here :)

The doorbell rang and Percy looked up in bewilderment. How the Hades did she get here so fast?

Percy got up and opened the door.

Annabeth was wearing jeans and a t-shirt, and gave a little wave with her fingers, and Percy waved back, but then stopped abruptly.

Sunlight was streaming through a window down the hall, and it hit Annabeth's hair just the right way to make it look like it was glowing. Her hair wasn't even combed all that well, just thrown into a messy ponytail, but Percy thought she looked like a million drachmas.

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