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So, I realized that the last chapter only had one comment. Was it not comment-worthy? Or was it just too short? :P

If it was, sorry. I have a loooooong chapter today. (Well, it's long for me) Also, no one answered the trivia! 

Here is the chapter:

Chapter 12 - Are you Sirius?!

Jason's alarm clock blared out at full volume and he grumbled to himself for a second before turning around and slamming the "off" button and snuggling back into the covers.

It's fine, he thought, it's summer. No need to get up so early...


Jason flew down the stairs in a panic with his glasses held between his teeth, as he juggled his socks and backpack in his hands.

He couldn't believe that he overslept on the first day of junior year.

Thalia leaned casually against the counter with a piece of toast in her hand, watching her brother hobble around thinking he was late. The night before, she set his alarm clock ahead one full hour so when he woke up, she would get some before-school entertainment watching him freak out.

Jason finally caught notice of Thalia in the kitchen.

"THALIA! It's 8:30!", he panicked, "School started half an hour ago!"

Here comes the fun part.

"No you doofus," Thalia rolled her eyes, "It's only 7:30."

The kitchen was silent for a few seconds before Jason broke it, letting out a cross between an annoyed sigh and a whine.

"I can't believe I fell for that again," he groaned, "Are you serious?!"

"Last time I checked, Sirius Black was dead, Harry," Thalia responded, smirking in triumph.

"You have no filter," Jason muttered, grabbing a bagel from the table and shoving it in his mouth very aggressively.

"Well, I'm not the one who cried when Snape died."

When they left the apartment, they saw Hazel standing in the lobby tapping her foot impatiently, her arms crossed.

"Hey Haze," Jason said, "Where is Death Breath and Water Boy?"

She sighed, "I sent Nico up to get Percy. That boy couldn't be early to save his life, and now Nico won't come down either."

"Huh, they better get here quick or I'm leaving without them," Thalia said, checking the time on her watch.

"At this rate, we really are going to be late," Jason said, staring at the elevator door.

He thought maybe if he stared hard enough, the god or goddess of elevators would bring Nico and Percy here quicker. Luckily, he didn't look like an idiot, because the doors opened, revealing none other than Jason's dear cousins.

Percy and Nico were holding multiple bags in their hands, and Nico was blushing and looked embarrassed. Jason raised an eyebrow at the state that they were in.

"So..." he started, "Are we going to talk about this?"

Percy snorted, shoving two of the bags he was carrying into Jason and THalia's arms while Nico did the same for Hazel.

"It's not that big of a deal. Nico came to get me cause I was late, and reunited with my mom, who showered him with hugs and kisses. Oh, and she also made you blue cookies. You're welcome!", Percy said all in one breath.

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