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"Please I beg of you! I won't do it again, I don't wanna die!" The man tied up in front of me, cried out. I stared back coldly trying to contain the rage building up inside.

"You should've thought about that before you stole a hundred grand from me." I spoke monotonously. I reached to the waistband of my jeans and pulled out my gun.

"NO PLEAS-" He was cut off by the ringing of a bullet against his skull, leaving a mess of crimson blood to soak up his still body.

"Clean this up." I told one of my men, who were standing in the room with me, before walking out and grabbing my school bag.

Nothing like a morning kill, to start off your day.



The sound of my blaring phone alarm, jolted me out of a peaceful slumber. "Ugh." I groaned as I rolled over to shut it off. I had one text from Sasha; my best friend. Well more like my only friend.

Hey girl, I have doctors appointment, can't pick you up. See you 1st period. - Sash💙

It really did kill me to be social, and make more friends.

I checked the time. 7:04 AM. Today was a Friday, so I really wasn't in any mood to get ready.

Some days I woke feeling good about myself. Other days I could hardly stand to look at myself in the mirror. Today felt like it was gonna be one of those other days.

After a quick shower I changed into black leggings and an oversized nirvana sweater that I thrifted last month. My hair looked like a rats nest so I put it into a high messy bun. Makeup was a foreign thing to me, so all I was capable of doing was blush and mascara.

Walking into my kitchen I saw, Anna; my stepmom and my dad. They were sitting at the counter eating their oatmeal.
"Morning." I smiled, giving them each a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You hungry honey?" Dad asked pointing to the leftover oatmeal on the stove.

"Nope, I'm just gonna head over to school." I answered slipping on my white vans.

"Okay, have a good day!" Anna beamed. I took my car keys and unlocked my old rundown Jeep, and hopped into the drivers seat.

Finding a good spot to park in was never an issue, because no one wanted to be anywhere near my car, I parked in the back under a large evergreen.

"Hey Sticky, nice sweater. Where'd you get it? Goodwill?" Addison; the queen bee of Riverside High, cooed as I walked into the long sea of metal lockers.

Sticky was a nickname I got in 7th grade, when Addison and her minions poured a bottle of Elmer's glue on my head during art class. I had sticky hair for a week, and was accustomed to a new name that would haunt me forever.

"Suck a dick Addison." I snapped back at her, while opening the lock on my locker.

"Once Luca see's my new top, that's exactly what I will be doing." She confidently announced. Luca Trentino; school bad boy, and notoriously known for taking over his fathers inner city gang.

The fact that Luca could have her killed and thrown in a ditch, didn't stop her from trying to get in his pants. I appreciated her triumph. It's funny to see her get ignored over an over again.

I don't blame her honestly, he is one good looking piece of eye candy. One look into his crystal blue orbs would send your ovaries into panic mode. Not that I had a chance anyway.

I walked into first period English as the bell was ringing, and made my way over to my joined seat, where Sasha was patiently waiting for me. "Hey hey." She beamed, taking out her lined notebook.

"Hey Sash." I smiled back. "I heard Luca Trentino killed a man this morning." She whispered.
This school was filled with nothing but overconfident jocks, their conquests of the week, and gossip about Luca's actions.

The door flew open as soon as the words left her lips. She let out a gasp, looking away scared. "Speak of the devil." I whispered back looking straight ahead at the door.

He wore a plain white shirt that fit tightly over his washboard six pack pair of abs. Of course he had the signature bad boy leather jacket and black jeans. The only thing he needed were dangling chains and he would be the perfect E-boy.

Luca's cold stare locked on the teachers as he continued to walk in. "Mr. Trentino, care to explain why you're late?" Mrs. Edwards spoke out. He took his seat and struck her with the most terrifying glare I had ever seen. "Shut the fuck up." He barked out, setting his head down on the desk between his arms.

Mrs. Edwards looked as if she had seen a ghost: speechless. Just like the rest of us.

No one cared to speak up, because no one wanted to die at the hands of Luca Trentino. It was just that simple.

Don't speak, don't die.

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