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A/N: I've decided I will be updating EVERYDAY around 12:00 pm maybe 4:00 eastern time

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A/N: I've decided I will be updating EVERYDAY around 12:00 pm maybe 4:00 eastern time. I just thought I would clear my posting schedule up, In case it was a little annoying lol.
(I double update when I have extra time)


Sasha paced back and forth in my room, and I could hear the gadgets in her brain turning, trying to process what I just told her.

During school today, I had decided I would tell her about Jax, considering I was going on a date with him this Saturday and needed her best friend's knowledge of boys.

"So, he doesn't go to Riverside?" She asked again, for the umpteenth time.

"No, Sasha I told you, I met him at work." Okay, so I bent the truth a little... Alright, I bent it a lot. I told her I met Jax at work one night after a shift and came up with all the juicy details as I went along with my story.

"Why does he work in a women's boutique?" She paused her pacing and looked at me a little skeptical. She knew I was a terrible liar, but I was trying not to be too obvious.

"I told you, his uncle is uh- the manager." As you can tell, this is going great. I mentally facepalmed myself. "Anyways, can you help me get an outfit?" I pleaded, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"I have to be at the school field for soccer practice tomorrow, Nat." She sulked, at me.

"Please! My date is tomorrow." I sighed. Then a thought came to my genius mind, "Oh!" I exclaimed, scaring her.
"How about, I bring you home desert?" I waited anxiously for her answer, although I knew she would say yes, she could never say no to food, especially chocolate.

"Deal, I'll grab my keys. We're going shopping hoe." She beamed, running out the door as I quickly grabbed my bag and followed behind trying to fall down the stairs.

Sasha was way faster than my lazy ass.


"What about this?" Sasha held up a mint green body con dress. I gave her a funny look, and she put the dress down. "I'll take that as a no." I shook my head with a smile, and walked over to a different rack of clothes. We were currently looking at dresses in Macys, and had no luck finding anything so far.

I ran my hand along the any colorful dresses, and let out a sigh. "I think we should try a different store." I looked at Sasha, who was distracted by blood-red, six inch heels. "Those are hot." I said, walking over to her and taking the same shoe off the shelf.

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